As a loving dog parent, we know you’re always going the extra mile to keep your buddy healthy and safe. So if you’ve ever found a smile on your face looking at (or thinking of) an overweight dog…we get it.

But with that said, over 50% of dogs in the US alone are overweight.1 And as adorable as a chonky dog might be, it can have a terrible impact on your buddy’s long-term health, happiness, and quality of life by your side.

Our role in our dogs’ lives is a big one. As responsible dog parents, it’s our job to keep them healthy and strong – so they can live longer, healthier, happier lives with us. (Yes, that means no more Thanksgiving or Christmas table scraps.) So in this post, we’re going to help you understand why dogs become overweight – and how tracking their daily activity can help overcome it.

What kind of health problems do overweight dogs have?

Dogs that are overweight are at higher risk of these potentially serious health conditions:

Which means even those extra table scraps (and the resulting weight gain) can come at a cost. Overweight dogs’ health is inherently compromised – along with their quality of life. Because much like humans, dogs who put on more weight experience more pressure on almost all their organs. Overloaded organs can cause disease, and even lead to death.

A Thanksgiving dinner table covered in food with a dog in the background

Also, overweight dogs will likely have a shorter lifespan than their fellow four-legged friends. That’s why it’s important to understand if your dog is overweight, which factors may have led to this, and how you can help your dog lose weight and regain full health.

💡So if you’ve dropped off the exercise bandwagon with your dog – why not get a little extra burst of motivation from setting them activity goals and hitting them everyday?

Tractive Activity Monitoring for dogs

Tracking your dog’s daily activity can help you pick up on whether they’re getting enough exercise or have gotten more sedentary over time.

It’s why responsible dog parents around the world – just like you – are keeping their buddies fit and active with a Tractive device strapped to their collars.

Because with its built-in motion detector, your trusty Tractive GPS help you figure out:

  • How much activity your dog gets on the regular
  • Whether your dog has hit their activity goals for the day – or could afford to exercise a bit more
  • Where your dog ranks on your community leaderboard – aka, compared to other, similar dogs around the world
Dog running with tennis ball in mouth in the grass, Tractive GPS app in foreground

Because what’s better than a little healthy competition to keep you motivated?

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How can I tell if my dog is overweight?

There are several ways to check if your dog is overweight. If you can no longer feel your dog’s ribs when you touch their chest, this is a good sign that your dog is overweight, or maybe even obese.

You can also use the Body Condition Score Chart below or our dog BMI (body mass index) calculator to check if your dog’s weight falls within a healthy range.

Finally, your vet will be able to tell if you if your dog is overweight, how much they should ideally weigh, and recommend a plan for weight loss that is specific to your dog’s needs.

Body Condition Score Chart for overweight dogs

Use the Body Condition Score chart for dogs below to see if your dog is undernourished, at an ideal weight, or overweight. This is what vets consider the best way to evaluate a dog’s weight.

body condition score chart for dogs - infographic for overweight dogs

If your dog is considered overweight – it’s time to understand what may have caused that so that you can take steps to make their life better.

What makes dogs fat?

Despite our best intentions, dogs can become overweight or obese for many reasons. The obvious ones are:

  • too many calories, or the wrong type of calories
  • not enough exercise
Overweight dalmatian sitting on the floor

But many other factors can also play a role, including:

  • age
  • breed (especially if you have a brachycephalic dog. On the other hand, active, high-energy dog breeds tend to be less likely to gain weight.)
  • neutering
  • psychological issues
  • lifestyle & family factors
  • hormone imbalances
  • illness
  • genetics

And most importantly: the habits and routine your dog picks up. Most of which develop as a result of them adapting to living with you. Aka, if you’ve gotten a bit less consistent with your own exercise and eating habits, your dog is likely to pick up on these as well.

Here’s a brief explanation of each reason why your dog might be overweight.

Inappropriate food & diet

When dogs reach adult size, it’s time for them to start eating grown-up dog food. Feeding an adult dog high-calorie puppy food can lead to obesity and problems with their bones and muscles.

Also take care to avoid giving extra treats. Often, people forget to account for dog treats in their dog’s daily food intake. A few small snacks a day can add up to a lot of extra calories.

A woman eating a burger next to a puppy on a table

Food meant for people can have a similar effect as dog treats, gradually adding on extra weight. A study showed that obese pets are more likely to be fed with low-quality food. So it’s not just about quantity, but quality as well.

Read more: What can dogs not eat? 15 foods poisonous to dogs

Lack of exercise

Big or small, young or old – dogs need to exercise daily. While some breeds have special needs that have to be taken into account, all dogs need some form of daily physical activity. 

So consider taking your dog along with you when out on a run or try a gentle hiking trail together. Your dog will benefit tremendously from the exercise – but also the sensory stimulation of being out in nature. (And getting to interact with other people and pets.)

Without activity, dogs will become bored, unhealthy and obese. Which, if they’re just bored, might manifest as destructive behaviors. (Like chewing up your slippers, barking endlessly, or even an escape attempt from home – where they might get lost.)

A Husky puppy playing with a branch in a forest

⚠️ A lack of exercise is also a prime reason some runaway dog breeds, well…run away. (Because they just have so much pent-up energy, they need to let off some steam.)

High-energy puppies, similarly, are also more likely to bolt off out of curiosity. Which, with their underdeveloped senses, might mean they won’t be able to sniff their way back home to you.

A puppy running away

💡But with regular activity tracking, you can keep track of your dog’s active minutes throughout the day – and see if they’ve gotten enough exercise.

tractive gps activity monitoring for dogs app screen

(Kind of like checking whether you’ve gotten your 10,000 steps for the day – or making sure your Duolingo streak is safe.)

Which can help you stay motivated and accountable to your dog’s daily exercise…and ensure they’re too tired to run away.

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Breed predisposition

Certain breeds are more likely to end up as overweight dogs. In particular:

  • Cocker Spaniels
  • Cairn Terriers
  • The Retriever family
  • Brachycephalic dog breeds, like Pugs, Staffies, Boxers, and Bulldogs
  • Beagles (despite being a high-energy dog breed!)
  • Basset Hounds
  • Rottweilers

Wondering how breed plays a role? Well, it could be due to factors like a tendency to lay around if not prompted to exercise, being more likely to overeat, or even anatomical abnormalities that make them reluctant exercisers. Some dogs, like Scottish terriers, are even prone to health conditions like hypothyroidism – which can lower their everyday energy.

A woman lying in bed with a dog

At the bottom line, however, we’d like to emphasize that habits and routine play a more important role than breed.

  • If your dog, for example, learns that the puppy eyes trick gets them treats from one family member over another, they’re likely to repeat this behavior (and end up gaining weight.)
  • If you’re not making regular exercise a priority, your dog will adapt to a sedentary routine as well.

So while breed-specific factors (like a predisposition to certain health conditions) are important, make sure you’re staying consistent to regular exercise and good eating habits. (Both for you and your dog.) And make sure to check in with your local vet for any breed-specific factors to keep an eye out for.


One of the first signs your dog has officially graduated to a grand-paw (or their senior dog years) is if they seem less active than before. (Which, if you’ve a responsible dog parent, you can catch on to early with your dog’s Activity Monitoring data.)

  • In fact, your senior dog might need fewer calories than a young adult dog. (Because they’re less active.)
  • But if they eat just as much as they used to, senior dogs might gain weight fast.
A senior dog lying under a blanket

Most medium to large dogs reach their senior dog years by 7 years of age. (Smaller dogs a few years after.) And besides a drop in their activity, other easy-to-miss signs of aging in dogs include a tendency to sleep longer.

Read more: How to convert dog years to human years


Got a dog that’s spayed or neutered? It might result in changes to their bodies and systems that make it easier for them to gain weight. This is because sex hormones control the appetite and metabolism of pets. If neutering limits the effect of these hormones, it can lead to an excessive appetite and lower energy. Neutering might also change your pet’s feeding patterns, making your dog beg for more food.

A dog looking up at a woman eating pizza

Lifestyle & family factors

This isn’t an easy pill to swallow – but if you (or your loved ones) are overweight, it’s more likely your dog might end up overweight as well. (According to a 2020 study from the National Institute of Health.)2

Why might this happen? Well, when we’re surrounded by people who are overweight or obese, it can skew our perception of what counts as:

  • A healthy weight range for your height
  • Healthy portion sizes
  • A normal, healthy body shape for your pets
  • Healthy portion sizes of dog food (or other human foods or treats you might feed them)

Besides, your daily habits (like eating and exercise) all play a role in not just gaining weight – but staying overweight over time. So, for example, if you’ve given up on more than one occasion of taking your dog out on walkies, it can become a habit that sticks for the long run.

A woman resting on a couch beside her dog

And over time, obese pets end up about twice as likely to have obese owners.3 (Especially due to misconceptions of an obese pet’s body condition, which can become a major obstacle in helping them stay at a healthy weight.)

Hormonal disorders & disease

Hormonal disorders can also cause weight problems.

  • For example, an under-active thyroid gland can lead to lowered hormone production. Like we’ve mentioned, some dogs (like Scottish terriers) may be predisposed towards hormonal conditions like hypothyroidism. Which can put a damper on their energy and make them more likely to laze around over joining playtime.
  • Or a dog’s adrenal glands may produce too much of a hormone called cortisol and lead to a condition known as Cushing’s Disease. Dogs with Cushing’s Disease don’t actually gain weight, but their fat is redistributed to the abdomen, giving them a pot-bellied look.

So while your habits and routine play an important role in keeping your dog healthy, make sure to check in with your local vet too. They can help you identify breed-specific factors that might predispose your dog to gaining weight.

How can I help an overweight dog lose weight?

There’s a lot you can do to ensure your pup lives a healthy, happy life. Here are our top tips for how you can help your dog lose weight:

Gradually change your dog’s diet

Helping an overweight dog get back in shape doesn’t need an extreme diet. These tend to not be the most sustainable – and a big change might just stress your dog out. (Which might end up in an escape attempt to go dumpster diving – or find a friendly neighbor who might feed them instead.)

So go slow and steady – one step at a time.

  • Use a food scale to know exactly how much they’re going to eat.
  • Replace snacks with healthier options. If your dog has picked up the habit of grazing on treats throughout the day, they’ll protest if you suddenly cut these off completely. So opt for healthy snacks like kibble instead.
  • Keep a limit on the treats. Mix them up by rewarding your dog with pets, praise, or extra playtime. So they don’t start “behaving” only for the prospect of extra snacks.
  • Follow a vet-approved calorie-restricted diet. Make sure to start gradually to get your dog used to “fewer” calories over time – and make sure they’re getting just a bit more exercise than usual. (To ensure they’re in a calorie deficit.)
A woman offering a dog a treat outdoors

💡Worried your dog might escape to find a yummy snack outdoors? Set up a “safe zone” with Tractive’s Virtual Fence.

With this, you instantly get an alert if your buddy’s trying to sneak past it. (So you can intervene and pick them up before they escape – and potentially eat something that’s dangerous for them.)

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Set Up A Safe Zone Today

Make regular exercise a priority

Regular walks outdoors isn’t just a fun, bonding activity. Rather, some countries (like Germany) might even make it a legal requirement to walk your dog twice a day! So make sure to check in with your vet the recommended number of walks with your dog. Or what indoor and outdoor playtime activities you can get up to together. Other small hacks include moving your dog’s feeding bowl upstairs – just to get them a few more steps.

Read more: How to tire out a puppy

Besides that, consider getting your dog an exercise buddy. (Whether you or a loved one with a dog.) It’ll help both you and your dog socialize, as well as keep you accountable and motivated to their daily exercise.

A dog running away from a group of women into the forest

💡Worried your dog might run off too far from safety when out in a dog park or outdoor area? (Especially if there’s an open dumpster or unattended food lying around?)

Your Tractive GPS helps you follow their every step in real-time and over an unlimited range.

Just hit “LIVE” on your Tractive mobile app – and follow your dog’s every step, as they make their every step.

gps tracker app close up

So you can chill out more while out on walks – because you have the peace of mind you’ll always know where your dog is. (No matter how far they roam.)

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Track Your Dog With Tractive

Stay on top of your vet visits

Looping in your local vet can help you rule out the possibility of a medical condition. If you notice your dog panting, limping, or generally finding it more difficult to move, get in touch with them immediately. Your vet can also advise you what supplements you could add to your dog’s diet to make weight loss easier.

A pair of vets checking a dog at a clinic

Make healthy habits a team activity

If you can get your loved ones on board, a healthy lifestyle can become as much a part of your life as your dog’s. Track portion sizes and prioritize regular exercise together, weigh your dog regularly, and make sure everyone’s drinking plenty of water. Because if you’re sticking to a habit consistently, you’ll find it easier to do so for your dog as well.

💡Tractive’s fun Dog Walk feature helps you log in your daily walk with your dog. So you can stay motivated and accountable to getting your dog their daily exercise and outdoor time.

Log Your Dog Walks

Help your overweight buddy get (and stay) in shape with these steps

Overweight dogs are vulnerable to serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. So make sure to:

  • Start slow and steady. A big change in diet or lifestyle might just stress your dog out. (And trigger an escape attempt to go dumpster diving in search of treats.) So start slow and gradually adjust their portion sizes and the kind of snacks they’re accustomed to.
  • Aim long-term. Ideally, your goal should be to help your dog stay in shape – not just temporarily lose weight. So make your weight loss efforts a joint activity to stay extra motivated.
  • Track your dog’s regular activity to stay on top of their daily movements. Great for staying motivated and accountable to their exercise routine.

It can be difficult relying on memory alone when you’re describing your dog’s everyday habits. But with their Activity Tracking data at hand, you’re more likely to have a productive conversation with your vet.

screenshots from the activity monitoring in the Tractive GPS App

💡It’s how Tractive pet parents around the worldjust like you – are monitoring their buddies’ health. And helping them live a longer, happier, healthier life together.

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packaging of the Tractive GPS DOG tracker

Stay on top of your dog’s wellness

See how they’re doing at a glance with Wellness Score. Set goals. Compare with dogs like yours. Monitor sleep. Detect issues and keep them healthy.

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Need some motivation to help you get your pup in shape? Check out this inspiring story of how one overweight dog got back to his happy, healthy self with the help of loving adoptive parents:

And if you found this post useful, share it with a fellow dog parent today – and create a healthier, happier world for our furry friends together.

Your furry friend’s health and wellbeing means as much as to us as it does to you. So we’ve made it a priority to only share medically-relevant content on our blog.

This post was checked, double-checked, and medically verified by Georgia-based vet, Dr. Dwight Alleyne.

Dr. Dwight Alleyne, DVM

Dwight Alleyne was born and raised in Long Island, New York where his love of animals began. His career for animals began working for a well-known no-kill animal shelter on Long Island.

Dr. Dwight Alleyne, DVM

He worked his way up the career ladder working as a kennel technician, veterinary assistant, and then becoming a licensed veterinary technician at the shelter.

His passion for veterinary medicine led to him applying to and being accepted at Cornell University Veterinary where he graduated from in 2006. After completing a small animal rotating internship at Purdue University, he eventually made his way to Georgia where he has been practicing ever since.

Dr. Alleyne has practiced at several small animal clinics throughout Georgia. He has a keen interest in soft tissue surgery and has extensive experience in performing ultrasounds including echocardiograms.

When he is not practicing medicine, Dr. Alleyne enjoys writing and editing pet health articles and providing pet advice through telehealth.

Dr. Alleyne also has his own blog called “The Animal Doctor Blog.” Check it out on: