A lost dog scenario is nearly every dog parent’s worst nightmare. With so many potential reasons why dogs run away, it’s no wonder about one third of all dogs go missing at some point in their life1.

If your dog is missing right now, trust us, we’ve been there. It’s understandable if you feel panicky, anxious or scared.

Our advice? Pause, take a few deep breaths and try to stay calm. A positive mindset is one of your greatest tools on the search for your dog. And once you’ve gone through our tips, we also share the number one way to prevent a lost dog situation – for good.

What are the chances of finding a lost dog?

Below, you’ll find out how to find a lost dog. But first, here are some encouraging lost dog facts to reassure you:

93% of lost dogs (in a survey by the ASPCA) were eventually recovered2
90% is the likelihood of finding a lost dog within the first 12 hours
49% of dog parents found their canine friend by searching the neighborhood
16% of lost dogs manage to find their way back home
15% of dog parents found their dogs thanks to a microchip or ID tag
6% of dog parents found their dogs at animal shelters
A lost dog can potentially survive months or even years on their own

So if you have a lost dog, start your search right away to boost your chances of finding them.

  • Your dog might even return on their own, using scent to guide their way.
  • Even the most domesticated dogs can travel long distances and survive by scavenging for food and water until they are home again.

đź’ˇA GPS dog tracker is the #1 way to prevent or find a lost dog

Especially if you’ve got a chronic escape artist at home – or one you haven’t gotten spayed or neutered yet. Or one that’s just a runaway dog breed.

It’s why dog parents around the world – just like you – are strapping GPS trackers to their buddies’ collars.

A man hugging his dog who's wearing a Tractive GPS collar

Meaning with just a glance at your phone, you can track your missing dog:

  • In real-time,
  • Over an unlimited range,
  • While on vacation – or 175 countries on a Premium subscription

So you never have to worry about losing – or finding – your dog ever again.

Discover Tractive GPS

How to find a lost dog

1. Check at home first

If your dog is missing, first check your home and your immediate surroundings. Is your dog a bit of a scaredy-dog? They may be hiding nearby.

Else, it’s possible your buddy could’ve gotten stuck somewhere. (Especially if they’re on the smaller side.) Make sure to check inside the:

  • Closets
  • Shed/garage
  • Pool
  • Cars
  • Basement/attic
  • Garden

and anywhere else your four-legged friend might be in the habit of hanging out in.

A small dog sleeping under a bed

Ask your friends or family to help you search.

  • Bring your dog’s favorite treats or toy with you to lure them out of hiding.
  • Place your dirty clothes or your dog’s bedding outside to attract your dog using a familiar scent.

2. Call and verify your lost dog’s microchip contact information

If your lost dog has been microchipped, call the microchip company to make sure your contact info is up to date.

  • That way if someone finds your dog and brings them into a vet or shelter, they can scan the microchip ID, look you up in the microchip database, and get in touch with you to inform you they’ve found your missing dog.
A vet scanning a dog for a microchip

⚠️Remember, only 15% of lost dog parents found their dog thanks to a microchip or ID tag.

Meaning, you can’t rely on a microchip alone to find your dog.

  • Microchips do not contain any GPS or other technology that would help you track or locate your dog in real time.
  • A microchip’s only job is to identify a missing dog’s details in case they are lost and found.
illustration of two dogs: one wearing a microchip and the other wearing a GPS tracker, dog tracker chip

That’s where equipping your dog with a GPS tracker can be a lifesaver instead.

Tractive Trustpilot review

Find Your Missing Dog

3. Determine your search radius

Next, before you expand your search for your lost dog, ask yourself these questions:

  • Did your dog go missing near home, or in an unfamiliar area?
  • Was your dog frightened away by something, or looking for an adventure?
  • Are there places or people nearby you know your dog may have gone to visit?
  • Are there dangers nearby, places where your pet could get stuck or in trouble?
  • How far do you realistically think your dog could have traveled in the amount of time they’ve been lost?
  • Is your dog active and fit and likely to have run further, or laid-back and less active?
  • How long has your dog been running?

The answers to these questions can help you narrow down your search radius and search smarter.

brown dog running away in field

⚠️Be careful not to jump to conclusions that may cause you to give up your search. For example, don’t assume your dog was kidnapped or attacked. It could very well be they got distracted by a wild animal, or are stuck in a neighbor’s fence down the road.

4. Search the area where the dog was lost

If your dog has not returned to you yet, it’s time to take action to bring them home. Searching the immediate surroundings and larger radius of where your dog was lost will increase your chance of finding them.

Here are some tips to help you on your search:

  • Call your dog’s name: Call your dog’s name clearly and calmly – you don’t want to frighten your dog further by making them think you’re angry.
  • Ask others to help you search: Ask family, friends, neighbors, or others nearby to assist you in the search. If a stranger finds your dog, ask them to call and inform you first before they approach the dog. An unknown person approaching a lost dog could make them even more afraid.
  • Bring clear photos of your dog: Show your dog’s picture to neighbors and other people you come across; leave them a copy of the photo with your phone number on the back.
  • Make sure one person stays home: While everyone is out searching, ensure that at least one person stays home to receive your dog should they come back on their own.
  • Keep your door open: If your dog was lost at home, or while staying at a friend’s house or holiday home, be sure to leave the house door and gate open, so that they can return home on their own.
  • Bring your dog’s favorite toy or treat: Dogs can follow scents for miles, so place their favorite blanket, bed, or chew-toy outside the front door of your house. Also bring toys and treats with you on your search.
A dog running towards one of their favorite toys

And if all these don’t work…

  • Retrace your path: Revisit the areas you recently or frequently walk with the dog – you may find that they have returned to these familiar areas in their search for you.
  • Ask the locals if anyone has seen your dog: While you are searching the area where your dog was lost, ask people you come across if they have seen your dog recently. Leave your phone number with them in case they do find or see the dog.
  • Expand your search: If you still have not located your dog, expand your search to the wider area. Drive through the neighborhood to cover more ground if necessary.
A woman running after a missing dog

5. Report your dog missing

At this point, it’s also a good idea to drop a call to:

  • Local animal shelters
  • Pet rescue centers
  • Dog wardens
  • Animal control
  • Your local Humane Society or the RSPCA
  • And any other similar organizations in your area to report your dog missing.

You never know, someone might already have turned your dog in to one of these facilities!

A man picking up a lost dog from a shelter

Besides, you could also get in touch with:

  • Petco Love in the US or the National Pet Register in the UK to report your dog missing in the national database. There you can also search through found dog postings to see if anyone has spotted your furry friend.
  • Similarly, PawBoost is a service that helps you report your lost dog, post to local lost & found pet Facebook pages, alert local community members, print a lost dog flyer and more.
  • Other lost dog reporting websites include Fido Finder or Pet Amber Alert.

6. Use Facebook & other social media networks

Use your social media following to draw awareness to your missing dog. Make sure to include:

  • Several photos of your dog
  • The date and area your dog was last seen
  • Any information about your dog’s temperament – for example, are they friendly, or fearful?
  • Your contact info, including phone number

Be sure to share the post in any relevant Facebook groups for lost/missing dogs/pets in your area.

7. Make & distribute lost dog posters

Make and print paper lost dog flyers with your dog’s information that you can post around your neighborhood and/or the area where your dog was lost.

Use large, bright, neon paper if possible so the flyer will be more visible. Also make sure to include:

  • A description of your dog, including any special or recognizable features
  • A photo of the dog
  • Collar tag details
  • Last known location
  • Microchip ID number
  • Your contact details
  • Reward details
A family distributing "Lost dog" posters in a neighborhood

đź’ˇHere’s a free lost dog poster template you can download and use immediately:

free lost dog poster from Tractive graphic
  • Plaster the lost dog posters all over telephone poles in the area.
  • Make a large sign to place in your front yard or on your front door.
  • Hang the lost dog flyer on bulletin boards, at local coffee shops and stores, vet practices, pet stores, animal shelters, and animal hospitals.
  • If you want to take this one step further, try car tagging as a means to help inform the community of your lost pet.

8. Consider other options to find a lost dog

If you still haven’t found your missing dog, it’s time to get creative. These ideas may help you to bring your canine buddy home:

  • Pay to put out a missing dog notice in your local newspaper or radio.
  • Hire a pet detective or missing animal response specialist.
  • Offer a reward, and be (relatively) generous.
  • Call or visit animal shelters each day.
  • Hire a sniffer dog to help you find your lost dog.
  • Contact animal control to find out if they’ve seen your dog.
woman in the forest looking at the tractive gps app on a smartphone

9. Don’t give up!

It can be easy to get discouraged if your dog goes missing for any significant amount of time. But many worried dog parents like yourself have been in your shoes and were eventually successfully reunited with their beloved dogs again.

No matter if it takes hours, days, weeks, or months, do not lose hope that you can and will find your dog someday.

Read more: 10 Lost Dog Stories With A Happy Ending Thanks To Tractive

How to find a lost dog at night

Looking for a lost dog at night? Here are some tips to help:

  1. Determine your search radius by considering things like your dog’s fitness level, attitude, personality, favorite places and people, or what might have caused them to run off. Get a map and mark off your targeted search area to make your search more efficient.
  2. Make sure you’ve already completed the steps above, such as making flyers, alerting nearby vets and shelters, posting on lost pet websites and social media and reporting your pet lost.
  3. Gather a few close friends and family and others who know your dog to help you on your search. Split up so you can each cover a different area.
  4. Bring a flashlight or headlamp to help you search in the dark.
  5. Call your dog by their name.
  6. Leave your dog’s favorite items like water, food, toys or treats in the spot where your dog ran off. Continue checking that spot, in case your dog returns.
  7. Don’t chase them – this would only make them more anxious or stressed. Let them come back to you.
A dog lost in a dark forested area

How to find a lost dog with a Tractive GPS Dog Tracker

If your missing dog is equipped with a Tractive GPS Dog Tracker, great! Here’s how to locate and bring your dog home safe: just turn on LIVE Mode (if it’s not already on) to get rapid, real-time location updates.

Tractive GPS app feature screenshot LIVE Tracking

Else, you could also check where your dog has been in the past few hours using their Heat Map and Location History – they might still be they’re still in the area.

You could also tell friends, family and neighbors to track together with you with Family Sharing. Remember that you can share your dog’s location with anyone (for example, the police) who can help retrieve your dog.

Tractive Trustpilot review

LIVE Track Your Dog

Wrapping up: Never go through another “lost dog” situation again

Losing your dog is never fun – it’s one of the most nerve-wracking, panic-inducing experiences a dog parent can face. But rest assured, if you:

  • Start your search early,
  • Get your friends and loved ones involved,
  • Report your dog as missing,
  • and inform your wider community

Then you’ll be well on your way to being reunited with your buddy again.

A woman reunited with her lost dog

đź’ˇBesides, here are a few tips to prevent another “lost dog” situation – especially if you’ve got a chronic runaway breed at home:

  1. Ensure your dog is always wearing a high quality collar with a dog tag that contains your phone number and address.
  2. Microchip your dog for an extra layer of ID.
  3. Check your gate or fence regularly for weak spots where they could possibly escape.
  4. Take photos of your dog so that you have them in case they go missing.

And most importantly…

Strap a GPS tracker to your buddy’s collar – and never worry about losing them, ever again.

A woman hugging her dog who is wearing a Tractive GPS on their collar

Because imagine the relief and peace of mind from being able to track down a missing dog – with just a glance at your phone?

With your trusty Tractive device clipped to your dog’s collar, you’ll be following their every step – as they make their every step.

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packaging of the Tractive GPS DOG tracker

Always know where your dog is

Follow every step in real-time with unlimited range. Get alerts if they wander too far. Keep them happy & healthy with Wellness Monitoring. And let others – like walkers or sitters – keep an eye on your dog too.

Discover Tractive GPS

For even more tips on how to find a lost dog, here’s a video that might help:

And if you’ve found this post helpful, share it with a friend or a loved one – and let’s help build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.