Whether you’ve got a yard of your own or like to walk or hike through the woods with your buddy – you might find yourself wrestling out a plant or something potentially toxic out of their mouth. Which, during the spring and fall months, might just mean fallen fruits, grass…or mushrooms. (Making you look up – can dogs eat mushrooms? And in fact, are mushrooms bad for dogs?)

Because as it turns out, only a small percentage of mushroom species are toxic. But the ones that are toxic – are really toxic!

And sadly, there are only small, easy-to-miss differences between those that are safe to eat…and those that end up with you having to pay a hefty vet bill.

So we’re going to dive right in – can dogs have mushrooms? What do you do in case they do eat one? Let’s get started.

Can dogs have mushrooms?

Well, yes and no. Because just like you, some mushrooms are safe for dogs while others are poisonous – and might even be deadly.

It’s actually why most veterinarians advise against letting your dogs eat mushrooms in the wild, even if you think they look “safe”.1

⚠️ So to keep your dog safe, it’s best not to let them lick, taste, or eat mushrooms found in the wild.

A dog sniffing at mushrooms a man holds in his hand

Can dogs eat mushrooms cooked?

Grocery store-bought mushrooms are generally safe for dogs to eat – both cooked or raw. They do tend to be quite healthy and contain important micronutrients. (Including vitamins, fiber, iron, and protein.)

But in general, they don’t offer a ton of health benefits for your dog. So they don’t really need mushrooms in their diet. You’re much better off cooking mushrooms for your own meals.

And if you’re partial to mushrooms yourself, you might’ve noticed how you do need to go heavy on the seasoning. (Aka, sauces, oils, salt, and other spices.) All of which, sadly, can also be harmful to dogs.

Instead, you’re better off filling up your buddy’s food bowl with vegetables that are safe for dogs to eat. Including:

  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet potatoes

Read more: What Vegetables Are Good For Dogs?

Are mushrooms bad for dogs?

Yes, some mushrooms can be poisonous to dogs just as many are to us humans, too. 

And the scary part? It’s difficult to identify which wild mushrooms are poisonous in the first place. So if your buddy’s sniffing, licking, biting, or tasting even a part of them – it could just end up with the two of you in emergency vet care.

While some toxic mushrooms look obviously poisonous, others appear harmless – you could mistake them for the mushrooms you buy at the grocery store.

🍄 So look out for these toxic fungi in case your dogs eat mushrooms on your next walk outside. And of course make sure your dog doesn’t eat them!

What mushrooms are poisonous to dogs?

Infographic can dogs eat mushrooms? Most poisonous mushrooms for dogs

As the video below explains, poisonous mushrooms can pop up in your local park or forest, or even your backyard. So it’s important to be vigilant about not letting your dog eat wild mushrooms.

My dog ate a mushroom in the grass – what do I do?

First things first, act fast. Left untreated, mushroom poisoning in dogs can be deadly. (Plus there aren’t any home remedies to deal with it.)

Your dog’s symptoms might vary depending on how much they ate, the kind of mushroom, and other factors like their age, health, and size. You’ll find similar symptoms also caused by different toxic pet foods.

So watch out for these signs – and head over to your vet immediately if you notice any:

If you can, try and take a picture (or a sample) of the mushroom. Now your vet might be able to more easily identify whether it’s toxic or not – and take action accordingly. Besides, some social media groups may also specialize in identifying different types of mushrooms and whether they’re poisonous or not.

If your dog has already eaten the entire mushroom, try and remember its appearance so you can describe it to your vet as accurately as possible.

A dog lying in the grass next to a mushroom

⚠️ Even if your dog doesn’t seem to have any of these symptoms, but ate mushrooms, it’s a good idea to visit your vet. Their symptoms might not turn up until much later – by when your dog’s health might have worsened.

How your vet might handle mushroom poisoning in dogs

When you bring your dog (and hopefully the mushroom sample) to the vet, come prepared to answer:

  • When did your dog eat the mushroom? What time?
  • How much did your dog eat?
  • Can you describe the mushroom?
  • Is your dog showing any symptoms?

Your vet will prescribe treatment based on what poison is involved plus your dog’s symptoms:

  • In some cases, the treatment may begin by making your pet vomit up the poison by using salt water, diluted hydrogen peroxide, or Ipecac.
  • For pets that shouldn’t or can’t vomit, your veterinarian may give your pet an antidote.
A vet noting down a dog's mushroom poisoning symptoms at a clinic

Being aware of the symptoms of dog poisoning and getting the right treatment can save your dog’s life.

💡But another, smarter way to ensure you know what your dog is up to at all times? (Especially outdoors?) Tracking their location in real-time.

Why a dog GPS tracker = stress-free walks together

What’s tracking your dog got to do with whether they eat mushrooms or not? Simple. With a dedicated pet GPS tracker strapped to their collar, you can now:

Mark out “no go zones” where you’ve spotted toxic mushrooms

Whether it’s at your local park or that one patch of woodland you both like to walk, hike, or run in – you’re more likely to have toxic mushrooms around your neighborhood at different times of year.

And with your trusty Tractive device, you can actually mark these areas as “no go zones” for your dog.

Which means you’ll get an instant escape alert on your phone the minute your dog steps out of a “safe zone” – and into a “no go zone.”

Tractive GPS virtual fence

💡Which, if you think about it, is actually a smart, affordable option to setting up a physical fence around your property. (Plus, you can carry it around with you wherever you go – and customize it to wherever you are.)

And since your Tractive GPS works with satellites around the skies – you can keep your dogs safe even if you aren’t physically next to them:

Tractive Trustpilot review

Set Up A No-Go Zone

Read more:

Warn fellow dog parents about “danger zones” nearby

From your Tractive mobile app, you can quickly and easily mark specific spots as “danger zones,” – especially if they have:

  • Mushrooms
  • Other poisonous plants
  • Poison bait
  • Animal traps
  • Wild animals
  • …or anything else you’d rather your pets don’t run into outdoors

And the best part? Your danger reports gets broadcast to fellow pet parents around you. So you can both keep your buddy safe – while also doing your part as a responsible pet parent.

Mark Out A Danger Zone

Never dread a walk out in the woods this season

Mushroom poisoning is a serious condition – potentially deadly if you don’t catch on to the signs. So if you suspect your buddy might’ve gotten a hefty chomp out of one, watch out for any:

Take a photo of the mushroom if you can so your vet can help identify it – and head over for a checkup right away.

For more information about how wild mushrooms can be toxic for dogs, check out the video below with advice from Dr. Courtney Campbell:

And if you’ve liked this post, share it with a friend or a loved one – and let’s help build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.

Your furry friend’s health and wellbeing means as much as to us as it does to you. So we’ve made it a priority to only share medically-relevant content on our blog.

This post was checked, double-checked, and medically verified by Georgia-based vet, Dr. Dwight Alleyne.

Dr. Dwight Alleyne, DVM

Dwight Alleyne was born and raised in Long Island, New York where his love of animals began. His career for animals began working for a well-known no-kill animal shelter on Long Island.

He worked his way up the career ladder working as a kennel technician, veterinary assistant, and then becoming a licensed veterinary technician at the shelter.

Dr. Dwight Alleyne, DVM

His passion for veterinary medicine led to him applying to and being accepted at Cornell University Veterinary where he graduated from in 2006. After completing a small animal rotating internship at Purdue University, he eventually made his way to Georgia where he has been practicing ever since.

Dr. Alleyne has practiced at several small animal clinics throughout Georgia. He has a keen interest in soft tissue surgery and has extensive experience in performing ultrasounds including echocardiograms.

When he is not practicing medicine, Dr. Alleyne enjoys writing and editing pet health articles and providing pet advice through telehealth.

Dr. Alleyne also has his own blog called “The Animal Doctor Blog.” Check it out on: www.anmldrblog.com.