Why Is My Cat Always Hungry? (And When To See A Vet?)
You've fed your cat, given them their treats, and the some more...but you're still wondering, why is my cat always hungry? Here's where it is (and isn't) a cause for concern.
Like any loving cat parent, you’ve likely spent a small fortune on the highest quality cat food…only to find your feline buddy meowing endlessly and demanding more – even after you’ve fed them. So if you’ve landed here, wondering – why is my cat always hungry? – you wouldn’t be the first.
Now some amount of food begging or insisting isn’t too out of the ordinary for cats. But if it seems like your cat became hungry completely out of nowhere – it may be cause for concern.
So here are all the reasons you might be dealing with a hungry cat – including what steps you can take to ensure they aren’t sneaking outdoors for some extra nibbles and treats. Let’s get started.
Find out where your cat spends their time.
Read moreSo, why is my cat always hungry?
Now before we begin, we do have to admit – a cat with an insatiable appetite can be kinda cute. In fact, some level of being food motivated or extra enthusiastic around meals is 100% normal for most cats.
Especially if they’re:
- On the active side, constantly on the move
- Outdoor cats with large territories to patrol – meaning thousands of extra steps and calories burned per day
- On the younger side, where all the extra calories they eat is meant to help them grow
⚠️ But watch out: a perpetually hungry cat might mean you have to deal with some concerns besides them gaining more weight than they should.
By which we mean your cat’s resourcefulness, creativity, and ability to sneak outdoors for some extra treats. (Especially if they’re an outdoor cat – but we wouldn’t put it past indoor cats either!)
Which could look like:
- Scavenging for extra food from some unsanitary spots – like the local trash heap
- Sneaking some extra bites, licks, and tastes from the local hotdog stand
- Begging for food from your neighbors, other family members, and even folks at picnics
All of which open up the risk your cat might end up eating something off-limits for them – which could potentially end up with you two at the emergency vet ward.
💡It’s one of the reasons pet parents around the world – just like you – are monitoring their cats’ wanderings (and putting a stop to any food scavenging attempts) with GPS trackers.
😺 Because once you’ve got your trusty Tractive GPS strapped to your buddy’s collar, you can now track them:
- In real-time,
- Over an unlimited range,
- Across their territory – mapped out on your Tractive mobile app
- No matter how dark it is outdoors
- And even while on vacation – or 175 countries if you’re on a Premium subscription
All this with just a glance at your phone.
So you never have to fear whether your cat’s hunting or food-scavenging adventures will end up with them lost, injured, poisoned, or stolen.
Just the peace of mind that you’ve got their safety at your fingertips.
My cat is always hungry and meowing – what gives?
Now before we all panic, behavioral issues can also play a role in why your cat seems perpetually hungry. Cats are creatures of habit – and their feeding habits are, more often than not, shaped by their environment, routines, and what they’ve gotten used to with you. (And whoever else you’re living with.)
Besides, if your cat is meowing at you constantly – it’s actually one of the first ways to get your attention. (You might’ve noticed that cats don’t really “meow” at each other, though they do vocalize in other ways.)
And if you do tend to pay more attention to your cat when they meow at you, well…they do tend to learn the connection pretty quick!
So if your cat is constantly meowing at you and demanding food, it could be due to:
Stress, anxiety, or a combination thereof
Much like people, cats can also learn to connect “food” to “comfort.” (Or basically anything to keep them occupied.) So if you’re finding your cat always hungry, it’s possible they’ve learned to demand snacks as a way to cope with any stress or anxiety.
(Don’t we do the same when we graze on chips when scrolling through Instagram or inhale a whole pizza with YouTube on in the background?)
Here it helps to get to the bottom of what might be stressing out your cat.
- Have you shifted apartments, brought home a new pet (or baby), or changed your work schedule?
- All of these “changes” to their routine might make your cat demand your attention more – especially if they’re used to you being around more so when feeding times are involved.
So make sure you’re not skipping out on any quality time together once you’re back home. If it’s a temporary situation, like moving homes, your cat might adjust after a few weeks.
Else, your vet can help you get to the bottom of any anxiety-related behavioral changes and prescribe you any medication, if necessary.
Much like when we’re stressed, we might also end up nibbling on some extra snacks when we’re bored. Meaning your “hungry” cat might be demanding more food because they’ve gotten used to you giving them attention around mealtimes.
So you’ll find it helpful to keep your cat occupied – especially when you’re not around. (And outside of mealtimes!)
- Interactive toys and puzzle feeders can keep them busy throughout the day, since your cat now has to “work” for any food.
- Plus, regular playtime can help keep your cat healthy, mentally active, and prevent them from getting up to any mischief out of boredom.
- Ideally, you aren’t leaving your cat home alone for too long either. You’re best off getting someone to check on them periodically.
- Many cats adjust quite well to collars, leashes, and even harnesses! In case you want to take them out on walks and for some safe, supervised outdoor time.
Read more:
- How To Get A Cat To Exercise
- How to Leash Train A Cat In Just 6 (And A Half) Steps
- How Long Can You Leave A Cat Home Alone
💡Want to stay motivated to your cat’s exercise routine – and also get a bit of healthy competition?
Set them some activity goals and top your community leaderboard from your Tractive mobile app!
😺 Besides GPS tracking, your trusty Tractive device comes equipped with a built-in motion detector that picks up on your cat’s movements throughout the day.
Which, with time, can help you figure out:
- How active your cat is on the regular – from their activity minutes
- Whether your cat has hit their daily activity goals
- Where your cat ranks on your community leaderboard – i.e., compared to other, similar cats around the world!
Competing for food
Got a bunch of cats at home? Watch out for any “bullying” behaviors. Aka, when one of your cats with a more, well, dominating personality ends up stealing food from your other cats. (Leaving the rest of them actually hungry!)
- Competing for food this way might lead one or more of your cats to overeat as a result.
- I.e., they might eat more quickly or demand more food for fear the “bully” will take away their food.
You could try feeding your cats separately – at different times or in different parts of your house. (Each with their own food bowl.) This can help put an end to any food-hoarding or bullying behaviors.
Not getting enough food
The last, most obvious reason: you might be giving your cat a specific portion size based on the food packaging, which might not be enough for your cat’s:
- Age
- Weight
- Activity level
- And current health status
So in this case, your cat might actually be hungry because they’re not getting the calories and energy they need to fuel their habits and activity.
(Which could be due to benign reasons like an increase in activity – or some other, more serious medical reasons, which we cover a little further below.)
Your vet can best advise you on the right amount of food to give your cat and how to adjust their portion sizes without any unnecessary weight gain.
Read more: Cat Feeding Schedule: How Often Should I Feed My Cat?
💡From your Tractive mobile app, you can also check how many calories your cat has burned from exercise the entire day – so you can adjust their portion sizes accordingly. (Depending on if you want them to gain, lose, or maintain weight.)
Now in all these cases, your cat’s sudden appetite increase might be temporary and go away by itself with time – especially if you take steps to address them by adjusting their environment.
But if not, you might find your cat always hungry due to a whole bunch of health conditions as well.
Medical reasons why your cat might seem hungrier than usual
You’ve helped them de-stressed, gotten them some new toys, adjusted their portion sizes…and you’ve still got a hungry cat at home? It could be due to certain medical conditions as well.
Medical condition | Which might show up as: |
Hyperthyroidism: Your cat’s thyroid glands produce too much of the thyroid hormone, which speeds up their metabolism. | – Weight loss despite eating more – Increased thirst – Hyperactivity – Sometimes, vomiting and diarrhea |
Diabetes mellitus: Your cat’s body isn’t producing enough insulin – or not using insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels. | – Increased thirst – Frequent urination – Weight loss |
Intestinal parasites, including worms, which steal nutrients from your cat’s food. So your cat isn’t able to digest any food it eats properly. | – A “pot-bellied” appearance – Dull coat – Blood in stool – Lethargy |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), where the lining of your cat’s gastrointestinal tract gets inflamed. This affects how well their body absorbs nutrients from their food. | – Chronic vomiting and diarrhea – Weight loss |
Pancreatic insufficiency, where your cat’s pancreas doesn’t produce enough digestive enzymes, which can affect digestion and nutrient absorption. | – Weight loss – Greasy or foul-smelling stools |
⚠️ Notice how many of these conditions involve weight loss as a symptom?
It’s why it makes sense to monitor your cat’s weight to see if they don’t seem to be gaining any more weight despite eating more. This is one of the first signs something might not be right and that you should bring your cat to a vet right away.
💡 Here’s a handy cat BMI calculator to help you get a picture of whether your cat is underweight, overweight, or at a healthy weight.
Else, you could also use their body condition score as a reference, in case you don’t have a weighing scale at home.
Read more: Cat Body Condition Score: Is Your Cat At A Healthy Weight?
Steps you can take to monitor your cat’s every morsel
Now a perpetually hungry cat isn’t likely to just be begging you for food. Anyone with cats knows how even the indoorsiest of indoor cats can sneak outdoors when particularly motivated!
So if your cat spends any amount of time outdoors – even in your backyard or neighborhood – there’s always the chance they could be:
- Getting some extra treats from neighbors or passersby
- Rummaging through trash
- Stealing from a picnic
- Invading your neighbors’ backyards for some extra treats – and coming in contact with toxic substances like pesticides, poisonous plants, snail bait, or even antifreeze (which smells sweet to cats!)
- Or even hunting smaller animals
⚠️ All of which can open up their risk of eating something off-limits, poisonous, spoiled, or even fatally toxic to them. (Yes, no matter how discerning your cat might be when food is concerned.)
So besides following your vet’s instructions, in case it turns out to be a medical cause, here are some steps to help you monitor your cat’s every morsel.
Stick to regular mealtimes
Which can help your cat regulate their hunger, especially if they’re used to eating at specific times of day. Try and feed them around the same time everyday without much change. (Since a change in routine can stress them out – much like us humans.)
Else, you could also break up your cat’s meals into smaller portions throughout the day. It’s a neat way to “trick” their brains into thinking they’re still eating – while not compromising on calories.
Your vet can best advise you on what types of cat food might be the most filling and hydrating.
- Wet cat food, for example, has more water content – which could help keep your cat fuller and more satiated throughout the day.
- Do make sure your cat is drinking enough water throughout the day as well – especially in the hotter months.
Set some firm boundaries with friends, family & neighbors
Meaning “no” means “NO!” when it comes to feeding your cat outside of designated mealtimes. (Yes, your cat might even turn up at your neighbors’ doors acting like they’ve been starved for weeks.)
Look, we get it – everyone wants to spoil your little buddy with some extra treats. But in all, they shouldn’t account for more than 10% or so of your cat’s overall calories. Over-feeding your cat (especially on the sly) can lead to:
- Increased begging behavior
- Weight gain, which increases your cat’s risk for health conditions like diabetes and heart problems
- The risk someone might end up accidentally poisoning your cat by mistake.
So it makes sense to set some ground rules when it comes to feeding a cat that’s “always hungry.” It could just be a learned behavior your buddy’s picked up from your easier-to-convince relatives!
Read more:
Monitor any “danger zones” in your neighborhood
Now if your cat likes to venture outdoors for any amount of time, the solution to fixing their hunger problem isn’t confining them indoors. (The stress-induced scratched curtains, endless caterwauling, and peeing all over the place just isn’t worth it.)
Rather, you’re better off ensuring their time outdoors is as safe as possible. Meaning, keep an eye out for any “danger zones” in your neighborhood. For example, areas with:
- Poison bait, which some less well-meaning folks might have around to keep away stray animals
- Toxic substances, like antifreeze or pesticides
- Poisonous plants, like lilies – which alone land more cats in the hospital than any other form of poisoning!
- Dangerous wildlife
- Sharp objects, like animal traps
And just about anything you’d rather not have a cat that’s always hungry – or curious – come in contact with when outdoors.
💡Though if you’ve got a Tractive device attached to your cat’s collar, you’re in luck.
Besides following your cat’s every step – as they make their every step – you can also report a danger via your Tractive mobile app. Which then gets broadcast to fellow pet parents in your area!
😺 So you can both keep your cat safe from any “scavenging” adventures – and also do your part as a responsible pet parent.
Keep an eye on your cat’s weight
With weekly weigh-ins, you can check whether your cat’s diet and portion sizes are a bit much, a bit less, or just right for them. (Even better if you’re counting their calories burned via your Tractive app as well.)
- Normally, if your cat is eating the same amount of calories as they burn, it should help their hunger stabilize over time.
- But like we’ve also covered, a whole range of medical conditions can result in your cat eating more – but actually losing weight as a result.
💡Which you can catch on to earlier if you’re monitoring their weight and BMI to ensure they aren’t gaining or losing more weight than necessary.
(Or their body condition score in case you don’t have a weighing scale.)
⚠️ Drop by your vet if you notice any unexplained weight loss in your cat despite no change in diet.
Figure out your cat’s favorite hangout spots
Your perpetually hungry cat might have a secret snack stash somewhere in your backyard – or another neighbor’s backyard, or at the local park a few blocks down.
- Or they could have a favorite hunting spot in the little patch of woodland by your house – or further away from home.
- Else, they could be getting fed by a new family altogether who think that your cat is actually their cat!
(Makes getting a picture of your cat’s favorite hangout spots a smart idea, if you ask us – especially since it can help you pinpoint where they might be getting some extra snacks.)
💡Which your trusty Tractive device faithfully logs for you all day long, if you check your cat’s Heat Map and Location History.
Pictured here is Parsley the Maine Coon’s Location History – as shared by his mom, Fiona Campbell-Smith:
“He goes everywhere! His confidence knows no bounds.
He has been in lots of different shops…he visits pubs, hotels and even churches…”
“He regularly goes to other people’s houses, whether he knows them or not, and he doesn’t care if they have another cat. He just walks past and makes himself at home. He even crashed a party once…
“Sometimes I’m at my wits’ end with him as he causes so much worry, not to mention them midnight visits dragging him out of a pub – sometimes in my pyjamas!
Read more: Why Parsley The Maine Coon Needs His Own Adventure Tracker
Now maybe your little buddy isn’t AS adventurous as Parsley.
⚠️ But if you’re finding your cat always “hungry” and itching to explore the outdoors, confining them indoors is only going to motivate them to find even more creative ways to escape.
So why leave their safety to chance?
Ready to get to the bottom of your cat’s hunger hassles?
If you’re finding your cat always “hungry” most of the time, it’s often not a cause for concern – especially if they’re young, super active, or cover a ton of distance patrolling their outdoor territories.
⚠️ But if your cat seems perpetually hungry all of a sudden, you do want to do a little extra digging to figure out if it’s:
Due to: | Which you can address by: |
Stress or anxiety | – Giving your cat some time to adjust to a “new” routine, if any – Ensuring plenty of quality time together with your cat |
Boredom | Keeping your cat occupied when you’re not around, with interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and ideally, some company (whether another person or pet) |
Competing for food | Feeding your cats separately to avoid any “bullying behavior” (at different places in your house and definitely with separate food bowls) |
Actual hunger | Counting your cat’s calories burned with an Activity Tracker – so you can ensure they’re getting enough fuel and energy for their level of activity. |
Medical conditions | Including hypothyroidism, diabetes, and even intestinal parasites. Monitor your cat’s weight for any unexplained weight loss and get them to a vet right away. |
Once you’ve figured out the cause – whether behavioral or medical – you’ll find it helpful to:
- Feed your cat at regular intervals to help them follow a predictable routine.
- Set some firm boundaries regarding treats, with friends, family, and even your neighbors, if necessary.
- Monitor your cat’s weight and make sure to follow your vet’s instructions to the T, in case their appetite increase has any medical causes.
😺 And if you’ve got a Tractive device strapped to your cat’s collar…
- Count your cat’s calories burned throughout the day to ensure they’re eating enough to fuel their activity.
- Mark out for any “danger zones” in your neighborhood, where your cat might end up licking off a bit of antifreeze or eating food that’s gone bad.
- Figure out your cat’s favorite hangout spots, where they might have a secret snack stash, hunting grounds, or some kindly neighbors feeding them extra.
💡 Bonus: You can also map out your cat’s territory via your Tractive mobile app – and figure out which spots they’re likely to head to for a few extra bites, licks, and tastes. Here it is marked out in yellow:
Know everywhere your cat goes
See where they are in real-time, no matter how far they go. Get alerts if they roam too far from home. Find out where they’ve been and discover their favorite spots. Let others track with you. Track sleep and activity.
Wondering why else your cat might be acting like you’ve starved them for weeks on end? Here’s a short, sweet video covering the basics:
And if you’ve liked this post, share it with a friend or a loved one – and let’s help build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.