Let’s face it – coming home to find your dog sitting proudly next to a mountain of dried vomit isn’t fun. In fact, around 52% of pet owners worry about their dog throwing up unexpectedly! So once you’re done cleaning up the mess, you might’ve wondered: why is my dog throwing up? And what can you do to get them better?

So we’re going to cover all the reasons your dog might be throwing up – including if they’re vomiting white foam, blood, or even undigested food hours after eating. (Plus what to do – and also how to catch on early to a sign they’re ill.)


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Why is my dog throwing up? The most common reasons

Now depending on what exactly your dog is throwing up, it might not necessarily be an emergency. A bit of hacking, gagging, and even barfing isn’t always a cause of concern. In fact, sometimes throwing up can be a lifesaving mechanism that prevents your dog from getting poisoned.

Vomiting is how our bodies rid themselves of harmful bacteria or toxins. So the reasons your dog is throwing up might range from minor and temporary – like motion sickness – to more serious health concerns. Let’s dive into each of these in detail.

Your dog ate a bit too much – too quickly

Probably the most common reason – your dog might be vomiting because they’ve just bitten off more than they can chew. (Literally.) Or have just swallowed a bit too fast out of excitement. In these cases, your dog might not really have thrown up – but simply regurgitated instead. I.e., when they seem to “vomit” mostly bits of undigested foods. In this case, the food might not have reached your dog’s stomach. So in this case, it might not be a major concern.

Regurgitated food can turn up as brown vomit. Your dog might also barf it back up if they’ve swallowed some air while chewing and swallowing.1

⚠️ Just watch out for other signs of nausea, like drooling or excessive swallowing and licking the lips. These could indicate your dog is about to throw up more forcefully.

You’ve switched up your dog’s diet or meds

Other, minor cases where you might wonder – why is my dog throwing up? – include a change in your dog’s diet or medication. (Like if you’re putting them on a diet or as a side effect of new meds.) In these cases, your dog’s vomiting might only be temporary.

This reason might also answer the question: why is my dog throwing up undigested food hours after eating? I.e., your dog might eat some new food way too quickly, or too much of it, or their system might not be used to a change. Make sure to monitor your buddy’s portion sizes to ensure they aren’t overating.

Read more: What Makes Dogs Fat? Getting An Overweight Dog Back In Shape

Your dog’s eaten or drunk something they shouldn’t have

Dogs aren’t picky eaters. Some are so food motivated, they might eat through nausea – or even if they aren’t hungry. Another primary reason your dog is throwing up is if they’ve eaten something that should be off-limits for them. Including:

  • Trash
  • Spoiled food
  • Dirty water (including from shared water bowls)
  • Foods from your kitchen that might be toxic to them
  • Their own poop (which might contain worms)
  • Toxic plants or other toxins – some from common household items (like snail bait)
  • A foreign object (like a toy) that might now be stuck in their intestinal tract
  • And even grass!

In these cases, your dog might experience gastritis (an upset stomach) or more seriously, gastroentritis (which is an inflammation of the stomach and intestinal tract) – which might show up as vomiting.2

Your dog’s suffering an infection

Now whether it’s from eating their own poop – or even their own vomit! – your dog might end up with a nasty case of infection. (From either bacteria, viruses, or even fungi – depending on what they’ve eaten.) Once your dog’s system figures out it’s being attacked by intestinal parasites, it might trigger a vomiting episode to rid your dog’s bodies of these harmful substances.

⚠️ In fact, worms and other infectious organisms might cause your dog to throw up or even experience diarrhea. If your dog’s eaten spoiled food or something from the trash, you might even see live worms in their poop or vomit.3

Make sure to get your dog to a vet immediately if you notice these. Plus, keep your dog firmly leashed if you’ve decided to take out the trash while heading out for your walk together. Monitor every morsel they’re sniffing or biting while out on walks.

Something’s built up in your dog’s stomach

Your dog’s stomach might end up with a buildup of different substances – all of which might show up as different types of vomit. So as gross as it might be, keep an eye out for these signs and make sure to get your dog to a vet as soon as you can if you see any of these.

  • Why is my dog throwing up green vomit? Or grass?
    Green vomit might be a sign your dog’s eaten grass – whether from your lawn or your neighbors’ or the neighborhood park. It could also indicate your dog’s stomach has a buildup of bile. (Which might also turn up as yellow vomit.)5
  • Why is my dog throwing up white foam?
    Stomach acid buildup might lead your dog might throw up white, foamy vomit instead.
  • Why is my dog throwing up clear vomit? Or slimy vomit?
    In some cases, water might pool in your dog’s stomach instead – resulting in clear, almost liquid vomit. Or, if your dog’s drool builds up in their stomach, it might result in “slimy” vomit that looks like mucus.
  • Why is my dog throwing up blood?
    Blood in your dog’s vomit may indicate that your dog’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract is pooling with blood. Your dog’s stomach or small intestines might be bleeding if you notice blood clots, fresh blood, or vomit resembling coffee grounds. It might be the result of a tumor, blood clotting problems, or if they’ve eaten something highly toxic.6 Get your dog to a vet immediately if you notice any of these signs.

Just remember: only a vet can provide you a 100% proper diagnosis.

Exercise right after food

Some dogs are just ready to go no matter what, when, or how. Unfortunately, if they’re already leaping at you for walkies right after meals…well, it could just end up with them throwing up all over you instead out of excitement. So make sure to:

  • Build a routine of regular walks a good 20-30 minutes after meals. (So your dog’s stomach has enough time to safely digest meals.)
  • Adjust your dog’s portion sizes a bit more over the day.
  • Avoid any strenuous sports or activity directly after meals.

Your dog’s experiencing heat stroke

Ever wondered: why is my dog throwing up…in the warmer months? Turns out, vomiting is actually one of the lesser-known signs of heat stroke in dogs. (And not just panting or drinking water excessively.)7 Dogs overheat when their body temperatures soar above 39°C. Make sure to stay informed on the signs of heat stress, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke in dogs – and keep your buddy safe.

⚠️ Try and avoid taking walks outdoors with the sun directly overhead. And of course, never leave your dog locked in a vehicle under any circumstances.

Vomiting can dehydrate your dog – so you might find them lapping up water excessively after they’re done barfing. But make sure to keep an eye out for other signs of heat stroke as well, including panting, drooling, diarrhea, and even vomiting.

Read more:

Other health conditions that might cause vomiting in dogs

Besides the other reasons we’ve covered, your dog might throw up due to a more serious health condition. Including:

  • Addison’s disease
  • Bloating, or gastric dilation and volvulus
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Food allergies
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Hemmorhagic gastroentritis
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Meningitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Parvovirus
  • Tumors
  • Ulcers

Parvovirus, in particular, is contagious – and one of the most common health conditions that might cause a dog to vomit.

  • If you’re regularly boarding your dog or they’re hanging out with other dogs in big groups quite often, there’s always the risk they might catch it.
  • Puppies and certain dog breeds (especially working dog breeds) are especially vulnerable to it.
  • Parvovirus usually begins with symptoms like lethargy – followed by vomiting and a drop in your dog’s appetite.8

Dog throwing up: What signs to watch out for

Now if your dog has been throwing up for less than half a day (or around 12 hours) and seems able to eat and drink normally, give it a little time before you head to your vet. However, here are some situations where you need to make an emergency vet visit. Head over to your vet immediately if you’re noticing:

  • Vomiting accompanied with diarrhea (especially if it’s bloody)
  • Bloody vomit
  • Your dog is extremely lethargic after vomiting – or shaking uncontrollably
  • Your dog has just swallowed a foreign object or something toxic
  • Your dog is projectile vomiting (which might indicate they’ve swallowed a foreign object)
  • Your dog is dry heaving – but nothing is coming out

Got a puppy or a senior dog at home? They’re more vulnerable to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance after vomiting. If you’re noticing they’re peeing less or excessively drinking water, make sure to get them to a vet immediately.

Similarly, if you notice your dog more reluctant around mealtimes or just refusing to eat, make sure to stay extra vigilant. A dog not eating (or drinking water) isn’t always an emergency, but it could indicate a more serious health condition as well.

What to expect at a vet visit if your dog is throwing up

Once you’ve gotten your dog to the vet’s clinic, here are some of the steps in the treatment process.

  • Go prepared and informed about your dog’s medical history, food and drinking habits, and general behaviors. Your vet will need these details to provide a detailed diagnosis.
  • Your vet might administer medication via injection to your dog. (Because they might end up vomiting out a pill instead.)
  • Your vet might prescribe you a gradual change in your dog’s diet. (Mostly bland, easily-digestible foods.)

Besides these, your vet might run a few more tests to determine why your dog is throwing up.9 Including:

  • Blood and urine/fecal tests
  • An ultrasound, in case your dog’s abdomen is swollen and tender to touch
  • A biopsy of your dog’s stomach and intestinal tract
  • And when necessary, surgery

How you can prevent your dog from getting sick

Treating a sick dog can be expensive – no matter what’s ailing them. But with a few, practical steps, you can take a more active role in your buddy’s health and wellbeing. (To both prevent them from falling sick – or catch on early if you notice they’re behaving differently than usual.)

Pay extra attention to your dog’s diet

You might need to switch up your dog’s regular foods for a couple of weeks until their stomach settles. But even if your buddy’s situation isn’t so serious, be extra careful what they eat – no matter if they’re vomiting just a bit or quite a bit. Which is why vets recommend:

  • Not switching up your dog’s diet suddenly – but slowly, steadily, over time. Much like cats, dogs are creatures of habit and routine. So a sudden change can majorly stress them out.
  • Avoid “breakable” foods – like dog bones. These might get stuck in your buddy’s throat and cause choking and gagging. Plus, they often lead to vomiting.
  • Keep table scraps as a hard no-no. (Yes, no matter how much your dog begs.) It might seem funny feeding your dog that last bit of mushroom pizza – but it’s less funny when you’re having to drive them to the vet at 3 am because they’ve barfed all over your carpet.
  • Make sure your dog isn’t chewing on any toys with breakable bits. If your dog ends up swallowing these by accident, it can majorly irritate (or even block) their gastrointestinal tract.

Get informed if your dog might be more vulnerable to vomiting

Dogs of all breeds, shapes, sizes, and temperaments can end up eating something weird or picking up an infection. But certain dog breeds might be more vulnerable to certain conditions. For example:

  • Working dog breeds that tend to get trained together in big groups might be at higher risk of picking up parvovirus and other contagious diseases. Some of these breeds include Malamutes, Huskies, Shepherds, and Retrievers.
  • Bigger dogs and large-chested dog breeds might be more vulnerable to bloating and GI issues. Like Shepherds, Great Danes, Poodles, and the Labrador/Retriever family.11
  • Brachycephalic dog breeds like Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers, and Bull Mastiffs might be more prone to weight gain and other health conditions like diabetes mellitus.
  • Some dog breeds are extremely food-motivated and might eat anything you offer them. Including Dashchunds, Pugs, Norwegian Elkhounds, Corgis, and Beagles.

So with a little homework, work with your vet to figure out if your dog’s breed puts them at risk of any health conditions that might include vomiting. They can help you take steps to prevent these health conditions from developing – or how you can catch them early.

Ensure your dog isn’t off dumpster-diving

Ever hear of the term “garbage gut”? It’s what vets refer to as cases of gastroenteritis that’s caused when pets eat food or items they’ve scavenged out of the trash.10 So if your dog is in the habit of dumpster diving – and escaping home to do so – here’s what you can do:

  • Monitor your dog’s behavior while out on walks. Be firm and steer clear from paths with garbage cans or litter on the streets. (Which might include candy wrappers and other foods or items dangerous for dogs…or even mushrooms, which could poison them.)
  • Stay on top of their location to prevent a runaway attempt. Dogs run away from home for all sorts of reasons – one of them being boredom! Make sure you’ve planned ahead for an escape attempt – plus, what you’ll do if your dog ends up getting lost by themselves.

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Want a vet’s take on why your dog is throwing up? Here’s Dr. Lindsay Butzer (DVM) weighing in on how to treat a vomiting dog at home:

And if you’ve found this post helpful, share it with a friend or a loved one – and let’s build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.