Healthy vegetables. They’re an important part of both human and canine diets. However, some vegetables and other common foods can be toxic for dogs, so it’s important to get informed before feeding your dog anything you’re unsure about. In this article, we’ll show you which healthy vegetables to add to your dog’s diet – the ones that help your furry friend thrive – plus which vegetables are dangerous for dogs. No more having to wonder or ask what vegetables are good for dog and which ones aren’t!

Is it okay to feed my dog vegetables?

Yes, of course! dogs eating vegetables is nothing new. Before commercial dog food became available, a domestic dog’s diet was very similar to that of their two-legged companions. For many years, dogs survived by hunting and scavenging – eating the food scraps of the humans they lived with. As a result, dogs are very well equipped to digest starches – such as rice and potatoes¹.

The fiber, vitamins, and carbohydrates found in vegetables play an important role in a healthy dog diet. However, some are not recommended for dogs, and can be toxic, poisonous, or hard to digest. Which can lead to a sick dog. Not good!

Vegetables for dogs: what do I need to be consider?

There are many different opinions about what you can and cannot feed your four-legged friend. Plus, every dog ​​has their own tastes and preferences. As a loving dog parent, we recommend only feeding your darling what they can safely and comfortably consume without painful side effects. If you suspect a certain food is making your dog gassy or causing other unpleasant symptoms, seek veterinary advice.

In addition, we recommend the following do’s and don’ts when feeding your dog vegetables:


✅ Make vegetables the main component of the meal.

Always add a source of fat to the vegetable mash (like oil, yoghurt or eggs) so that your dog can also absorb fat-soluble nutrients like vitamin E, D, K and A.

✅ Use organic, local produce when possible.

✅ Feed ripe or even over-ripe vegetables.

✅ Aim for variety in your dog’s food bowl.


Don’t let your dog eat the pit of any fruit or vegetable – these can be toxic if swallowed.

Don’t feed your dog raw potatoes, broccoli, or other hard vegetables.

How should you feed vegetables to your dog?

Vegetables for dogs should always be mashed, and lightly cooked if possible. This is the best way for dogs to absorb the vitamins and nutrients in them. If your dog is healthy, you can feed them a raw fruit and vegetable mash – but be sure to check the guidelines below and consider which raw foods should never be given to dogs.

Feed your dog mostly pureed or lightly cooked vegetables.

What vegetables are good for dogs?

The following list of veggies can be fed to your dog without worry. The best vegetables for dogs include:


Broccoli is delicious (yes, it is!) and can boost your dog’s immunity. Steam and puree some and feed it in small amounts to your dog. Try to always combine it with food that’s rich in calcium, like yoghurt or cottage cheese. This way, your doggo can absorb all the awesome nutrients in broccoli.

Just be careful – broccoli florets (the top bits we humans love) contain a substance which can be dangerous for dogs. So only serve your dog cooked broccoli stems, and serve in moderation.

Brussel Sprouts

Another safe vegetable for dogs is brussel sprouts. They contain vitamin C and A, manganese, and fiber. Take care not to feed your dog too many brussel sprouts, because it can lead to flatulence. In other words, stinky farts and sad tummies. Not fun for anyone.


Carrots are very dog-friendly and can be fed raw, grated, boiled or steamed. They provide your dog with a large portion of beta-carotene, which has a positive effect on eyes, skin and hair. What’s more, carrots can help clean your dog’s teeth and freshen their breath. They’re also high in fiber and vitamin A.


Celery is safe for dogs to eat – it is low in calories and contains vitamin A, B and C, plus phosphorus. Some nutrients found in celery may even support heart health and fight cancer. Like with carrots, celery can also help freshen up your dog’s breath.


Cucumber is the ideal snack food to help dogs lose weight or stay in shape. Containing little to no carbs or fats, cucumbers are full of vitamin C, K and B1, plus potassium, magnesium, biotin and copper.

Green Beans

Green beans in any form – raw, canned, steamed, chopped – all make for a great addition to your dog’s diet. Make sure your dog gets only plain green beans – no salt, spices or anything fancy. Green beans are low in calories yet high in nutrients, minerals, and fiber. In summary, a goodness-packed treat.


Peas, such as snow peas, green peas, or sugar snap peas, are safe for dogs to eat. Rich in several vitamins and minerals, plus protein and fiber, peas make a healthy addition to your dog’s normal diet.

pile of potatoes on white background - what vegetables are safe for dogs?


Boiled potatoes provide your four-legged friend with a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals and are also very easy to digest.


Pumpkin, in addition to being high in fiber, can be helpful in treating dog diarrhea and constipation. Feed your dog cooked and chopped or pureed pumpkin, making sure that is is plain – not mixed with spices.

Sweet Potato

Sweet and delicious, sweet potatoes are a safe treat your dog will love. Be sure to cook sweet potatoes before feeding them to your dog. With a high fiber content, sweet potatoes in your dog’s diet can contribute to a healthy digestive system.

Now that you know what vegetables are good for dogs, let’s look which vegetables should not be fed to dogs.

Which vegetables are NOT safe for dogs?

Under no circumstances should you feed your dog the following fruits or vegetables, as they may be harmful to your furry friend:

❌ Onion and garlic – may destroy a dog’s red blood cells.

❌ Avocado – may causing breathing problems, sickness and diarrhea in dogs.

❌ Eggplant – best to avoid if your dog suffers from allergies or inflammation.

❌ Raw potatoes – contain solanine, which is toxic for dogs.

❌ Tomatoes – may damage nervous system, kidneys or digestive tract.

❌ Grapes – can cause kidney damage.

❌ Rhubarb – can damage nervous system, kidneys or digestive tract.

❌ Persimmon – can cause diarrhea and fever.

So, now you know what vegetables are good for dogs – and which are not safe. Follow these rules to make vegetables a healthy part of your dog’s balanced diet. You can also find out how much (and how often) to feed your dog.

More ways to love your furry friend

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