Cats run away for all sorts of reasons – be it defending their territory, being in heat, or chasing down prey. Even indoor cats can make an escape attempt or two! Which, if you ask us, are all reasons to get your cat a GPS tracker and stay on top of their whereabouts – with just a glance at your phone.

So if you’re a cat parent who wants to make sure that your feline friend stays safe and sound, you might be wondering whether the bells and whistles of a cat GPS tracker are worth it. So here are 5 reasons why they are – and why you should consider one as well.

1. A GPS cat tracker lets you see everywhere your cat roams.

As much as we love our cats and want to nurture their independence – there’s no end to the dangers they might face outdoors. (From passing cars, poisonous plants, pet thieves, predators, and more.)

  • And with their large territories, keeping your outdoor cat cooped up indoors…well, let’s just say, that’s not gonna be sustainable over time. (Especially if it means dealing with a stressed out cat howling out of boredom all day long!)
  • Plus, it’s not like you can hover over your cat 24/7 with work, chores, and your life.

💡It’s the #1 reason cat parents around the world – just like you – are strapping GPS trackers to their buddies’ collars.

A cat wearing a Tractive GPS tracker

Meaning it’s now possible to see everywhere your cat goes with the help of a GPS cat tracker. That too:

  • In real-time,
  • Over an unlimited range,
  • While on vacation – or 175 countries if you’re on a Premium subscription

And all with just a glance at your phone.

Tractive CAT Mini Location History

Pictured here is your cat’s Location History – which, at a glance, helps you figure out if your cat:

  • Stays close by home
  • Spends most of their hiding – and where
  • Visits a friendly neighbor
  • Or chases their prey – and curiosity – for miles

While most cats stay within a 2.5 acre radius of home1, a GPS cat tracker can allow you to discover your cat’s favorite spots. Like, for example:

All of which can help you figure out where to look first in case you buddy goes missing.

Tractive Trustpilot review

Discover Tractive GPS

2. You’ll never have to worry about losing your cat again.

Most pet parents know how scary it can be when their beloved furry friend goes missing. You might have already lost your cat once or more often before.

A cat exploring the outdoors

15% of cat parents lose their cats in a 5-year period; some are never found.

Animals Journal

💡But with a GPS cat tracker, the days of worrying about your feline friend going missing are over.

Cattery owner and trainer, Clair Chesterman

“Tractive is the #1 cat GPS tracker in the industry. And it’s the highest quality cat tracker you can find.

I was able to set the safe zone as my house area and once my cat gets outside, I get an alert right away.

In fact, it probably saved my cat’s life that time she chased a bird and got lost. She was scared and I was able to find her with the help of the GPS tracker.

Tractive’s chip frequently calculates your cat’s location and is updated on the map every 2-3 seconds. Furthermore, the LED will help you guard your furry friend at night.”

– Clair Chesterman, Owner of CFA and CCA-registered cattery and fostering company, FluffyMeowPaws

3. A cat tracking device could save your cat’s life.

Outdoor cats living their best lives face dangers – including:

  • Predators
  • Other cats
  • Injury
  • Disease
  • Toxic plants
  • Cars
  • …and even just places where they could easily get stuck.

💡But since GPS works all over the world, it means you can find your cat virtually anywhere – no matter where they go missing.

A cat wearing a Tractive GPS tracker

Meaning in an emergency, a GPS cat tracking device could actually save your cat’s life.

Tractive Trustpilot review

Get Tractive GPS

4. You can keep your cat in good shape, too.

Is your cat carrying around a little extra pudge? A saggy belly is a sign of an overweight cat. Which, as cute as it might be for a while, also opens up your buddy for the risk of weight-related health conditions as they grow older – including diabetes and heart disease.

So as a loving cat parent, it’s up to you to keep your cat at a health weight with plenty of playtime – and even walks outdoors! Many cats adjust to leashes, harnesses, and collars quite well, meaning safe, supervised outdoors time with you.

Read more: How To Get A Cat To Exercise: Keeping Our Feline Friends Happy and Healthy

A cat walking outdoors on a leash

💡And a great way to stay motivated to stick to your cat’s workout routine? A little healthy competition with other, similar cats in your friends circle, neighborhood, breed group – or a world of Tractive GPS users.

Tractive Activity Monitoring leaderboard

Because besides its real-time location tracking, your trusty Tractive device also logs in your cat’s active minutes. (With its built-in motion detector.)

Which, with time, can help you figure out:

  • How much activity your cat normally gets on the regular
  • How active your cat is compared to other, similar cats around the world – with your very own community leaderboard
  • If there’s a weird drop in your cat’s active minutes – which could signal sickness, injury, or even pain.

    (Meaning you should drop by your vet for a preventive checkup – and save a ton of money you would’ve spent otherwise.)
Tractive Trustpilot review

Start Activity Tracking

5. Stay connected to your feline friend at all times.

The final reason to get your cat a GPS cat tracker? It helps you stay connected to your furball at all times and strengthens that special bond with your feline. Here’s how:

  • Your cat’s gone missing? Find them ASAP with LIVE Tracking.
  • Your cat’s playing in the backyard while you’re inside? Set up a virtual GPS fence and get an escape alert if they step outside of it.
  • Need help searching for your cat? Share your cat and the tracker’s position with friends and family.
A cat wearing a Tractive GPS tracker outdoors
  • Want to find your cat but they’re hiding indoors? Find their hiding spots with Radar Mode.
  • You’re away from home and want to make sure your cat is fine? Open the app and see their current location anytime.
  • Lost your cat in the dark? Enable the Light & Sound feature to find your furry friend at nighttime.

Always keep your feline friend safe – with a dedicated cat GPS tracker

Losing your cat can be a terrifying experience. But imagine the peace of mind from knowing you can find them – with just a glance at your phone?

gps tracker app close up

💡Here’s how Michel and Anja found their adventurous outdoor cat, Nala, who’d wandered away one evening.

“We went into LIVE Mode and…ran towards the location the Tractive GPS had pinpointed. We came to an empty house that was still under construction.”

 At that point, we had already given up hope and thought that we were never going to be able to find her. So, out of desperation, I shouted out her name.

Nala the Bengal cat wearing her Tractive GPS

“And she responded! Nala started screaming as soon as she heard our voices...our little furball managed to pull it together and we finally took her home. 

We are both so very thankful that this day – after a few hiccups – had such a happy ending.

The fact that Tractive GPS even worked inside that empty house completely saved us and really turned this thing around. 

I love Tractive for keeping our cats safe.

– Michel, Anja, & Nala

Read more: The Cat Search With A Little Miracle Ending

So there you have it, 5 reasons to get your cat a GPS cat tracker! What would be YOUR reason for getting a GPS cat tracking device?

Know everywhere your cat goes

See where they are in real-time, no matter how far they go. Get alerts if they roam too far home. Find out where they’ve been and discover their favorite spots. Let others track with you.

Discover Cat GPS Trackers

And if you’ve liked what you read, share it with a friend or a loved one – and let’s help build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.