Dogs run away for a whole bunch of reasons – and at the end of the day, coming home to find your dog missing is one of the worst feelings possible. But like dog parents around the world are finding out, it’s also one of the reasons to get your dog a GPS tracker.

Specifically, a GPS tracker you can use to track your dog in real-time, over an unlimited range, and which is actually built for pets – not your car or keys. So you never have to worry about losing your dog ever again.

Because, let’s face it. Even the best-trained dogs can run off if they get scared. In other words, you may never end up needing a GPS tracker – but it can be a lifesaver in case you do.

So here are ten reasons to get your dog a GPS tracker – for your peace of mind and their safety at every step.

What is a GPS tracker for dogs?

A GPS tracker for dogs is a small device that attaches to your dog’s collar or harness and allows you to see where they are – and follow every step – with help of GPS (Global Positioning System) and other technologies.

Here’s the Tractive GPS pictured for you:

Man and woman with dog

How does the Tractive GPS work, for example? Here’s a quick explanation:

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“Your Tractive device’s GPS module receives signals from several GPS satellites. This helps it better and more accurately calculate your pet’s position.

These satellites then forward their location to the Tractive servers with the help of the network module. (Which also includes a SIM card.)

Once the Tractive servers receive this information, you can quickly and easily check your pet’s location when you open the Tractive app.”

– Ivelin Nenkov, Embedded Systems Engineer at Tractive since 2016

Which, in case you’ve run into a “lost dog” situation, means you can track your dog:

  • In real-time,
  • Over an unlimited range,
  • While on vacation – or 175 countries if you’re on a Premium subscription

All with just a glance at your phone.

gps tracker app close up
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Discover Tractive GPS

So without further ado, here are…

10 reasons to get your dog a GPS tracker

According to a survey by the ASPCA, 15% of pet parents had lost their dog or cat in the past five years1. Some even estimate that 1 in every 3 dogs will go missing in their lifetime.

And for many pet parents, that’s the number one reason to get a GPS tracker – to stop that from happening to their furry friend.

So you should consider getting your buddy their very own Tractive GPS if…

Your dog is an escape artist.

Why does your dog keep running off? It could be one of many reasons, but one thing is clear. If you have an escape artist on your hands, you’re not alone.

Take the story of Marnie, an escape artist Irish Setter who often runs off from home due to her high prey drive. With a little help from her Tractive GPS, her family was able to find her safe and sound.

Marnie, an Irish setter who escaped into the woods but was rescued by her family with the Tractive GPS

Or Imogen, a high-energy Borzoi, who bolted her fence – and ended up crashing through the ice of a nearby frozen lake.

Imogen the dog rescued by her Tractive GPS

Luckily, her mum was able to rescue her from freezing and drowning from her Tractive device’s Location History.

Or Happy, an off-leash Golden Retriever, who ran off into the woods on his first hike in the Alps.

With Tractive’s LIVE Mode, his mum was able to find him by the edge of a stream in no time.

Two women hiking kneeling down next to golden retriever dog in a lake in the mountains

Some of the reasons dogs go running off include their hunting instincts – but also their sense of smell. (Like, for example, if they smell a female in heat nearby.)

And in the colder months, snow can actually mess with their sense of smell – and make it more difficult for them to sniff their way back home to safety.

A pair of dogs running away into the snow

💡 So if you’re tracking your dog’s location and movements in real-time, you’ll never lose them in the first place.

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Discover Tractive GPS

Your dog’s microchip won’t help you find your dog.

Do microchips for dogs come with GPS to track four-legged friends? The answer is no. A microchip works only to identify lost and found dogs. A GPS dog tracker, on the other hand, allows you to track your dog in real-time and retrieve them quickly.

Read more: Dog Tracker Chip: What Are Dog Microchips vs GPS Trackers?

GPS tracker vs Microchip

💡If your dog runs off or goes missing, a GPS tracker can help you to bring them back home safe on your own.

  • You won’t need to rely on microchips, lost dog posters or kind strangers to be reunited with your dog.
  • Rather, with a GPS dog tracker, you can simply track your buddy on your phone screen. Aka, take a more active role in finding your lost dog.
Tractive GPS app feature screenshot LIVE Tracking

Because, think about it. Just leaving your dog’s safety to a microchip is actually not a 100% guarantee for their safety.

A stranger might find your dog – but then you have to rely on them to take your dog to a vet or animal shelter. (Where they’ll scan your dog’s microchip, find your contact details, and then get in touch with you.)

Which, if this stranger is a pet thief, isn’t any guarantee they’ll ever actually get in touch with you!

A GPS tracker can help you foil a dognapping attempt

And in the case of your trusty Tractive device, we’ve built up something of a track record in helping dog parents pick up quicker that their dogs have been kidnapped!

Take the story of Kathy, an off-leash Beagle who was in the middle of her hunting dog training – with her dad tracking her location in real-time via her Tractive GPS.

Suddenly, he noticed she was traveling at high speeds and way off-course!

⚠️From her movements on the Tractive mobile app, he realized she’d been stolen and the kidnappers were driving off with her in their car.

Tracking her with Tractive’s LIVE Mode, her dad called the police and after a two-hour car chase had her back in his arms, safe and sound.

LIVE Track Your Dog

You can locate your dog, no matter how near or far. (Even on vacation!)

GPS is available worldwide, which lets modern GPS trackers follow your dog everywhere they go.

And unlike Bluetooth trackers (a.k.a. “item finders” like AirTags) or even radio frequency pet trackers, GPS dog trackers have unlimited range.

GPS vs Bluetooth tracker range comparison infographic

💡Besides, Tractive connects to mobile networks across 175 countries with its built-in SIM card. So no matter how near or how far, you’ll be able to keep an eye on your buddy. (Even while on vacation, if you’ve signed up for a Premium subscription.)

Your dog is easily frightened.

A frightened dog is one that is more likely to run away. That’s why so many dogs go missing on New Year’s Eve and 4th of July each year2. Dogs are often afraid of fireworks and other loud noises, but other things can cause a fear response too.

So if you notice your dog getting scared easily, a GPS tracker is a good safety measure. You may not be able to predict when they bolt, but you can see where they’re off to right away.

A frightened dog running away outdoors

For example, your dog might be stressed out from the constant foot traffic at your home over the holidays. (Like, for example, if you have trick or treaters over at Halloween or a host of friends and family for Christmas.)

Which might end up in an escape attempt or two. So another one of our reasons to get your dog a GPS tracker.

Never Lose Your Dog Again

You want to take an active role in your dog’s health & wellbeing

Did you know that some GPS trackers for dogs also double as activity trackers? This means you can set activity goals and make sure your dog gets enough exercise – and also compare how active your dog is to other, similar dogs around the world!

All with a glance at your phone – helping you stay motivated to your buddy’s daily exercise routine.

Tractive Activity Monitoring for dogs

Because with its built-in motion detector, your trusty Tractive device also logs in your dog’s movements – and active minutes – throughout the day.

Which with time can help you figure out:

  • What’s a normal level of activity for your dog
  • Whether your dog’s hit their activity goals for the day – or still needs some more exercise
  • If there’s a sudden, weird drop in your dog’s activity – which might signal sickness, infection, or pain

Most importantly, your Tractive device helps you compare how active your dog is to other dogs around the world – with your very own community leaderboard!

Because what’s better than a little healthy competition to keep you and your buddy on your toes?

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Discover Activity Tracking

You want to enjoy your evening walks, stress-free.

Do you take your dog on walks in the evening? As the days get shorter in fall and winter, you’ll find it’s pitch black by 4 pm (if not earlier, in some parts of the world!)

Now imagine your dog running loose in the dark and being unable to find them?

💡Luckily, your trusty Tractive device helps you locate your dog via:

  • Light, or a small LED light to help you locate your dog in the dark
  • Or Sound, which triggers a high-pitched melody to locate your dog audibly

To quote one of our users, it’s “Especially useful if you have a black dog!

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Get Tracking With Tractive

You want to escape-proof your home & backyard

Physical dog fences are effective, but no match for adventurous, resourceful dogs.

  • Besides, a physical fence might easily cost you anywhere between $4000-$12,000 just for setup. (Without factoring in ongoing maintenance costs.)
  • And even then your dog might jump it – or dig their way under it, if motivated enough.
  • Electric invisible fences for dogs are not ethical, leaving dogs with a nasty shock and more fear and anxiety.3

So, what to do? Easy. Set up a virtual fence around your yard, or anywhere you think of as a safe space.

Tractive GPS virtual fence

Your Tractive GPS tracker will then immediately send you an escape alert on your phone or tablet the moment your dog leave its – or when they come back in.

With a virtual fence, you can quickly and easily intervene if:

Tractive Trustpilot review

No shock or stress involved. Just a smart, humane alternative to electric fences or e-collars – which keeps your dog safe.

Set Up A Safe Zone

You want to let your dog enjoy nature leash-free.

It’s important to mention that some countries have leash laws that mean dogs can’t be off-leash, period. However this is not the case everywhere.

Like Sally the Samoyed in Scotland, whose mum has complete peace of mind with her trusty Tractive GPS.

Sally the Samoyed wearing a Tractive GPS tracker out in the woods

Unleashed dogs can enjoy their freedom and get lots of healthy exercise. That, plus being able to 100% enjoy just being a dog.

Of course, the safety of everyone – you, your dog and others around you – is the top priority.

So make sure your dog is not a threat to anyone before you let them off leash. Follow local leash laws and equip your dog with a GPS tracker for security, and peace of mind.

You just want to know your dog is safe and sound.

Some say that the real point of a GPS dog tracker (besides GPS tracking of course) is to let a dog parent worry less.

If you’re someone who tends to get anxious about your beloved pet(s), or often worry about where your dog is and whether they’re in danger, a GPS dog tracker may be your new best friend.

Read more: Tractive customer reviews on Trustpilot

And while peace of mind is priceless, it doesn’t have to cost a lot. You can keep your dog safe for the cost of a Tractive GPS tracker and a subscription that costs as little as a cookie and a coffee a month.

Get Tractive GPS

You want a potential life-saver by your dog’s side.

We just listed a whole bunch of reasons to get your dog a GPS tracker. But there’s one more big reason we have to add to this list. A GPS dog tracker could save your dog’s life – like it did for these Tractive GPS users:

🐶 “Have had Tractive GPS a few months for 2 of my dogs who like to wander sometimes. The tracker has saved my dogs life already once. She got stuck in a hole and couldn’t get out. The tracker lead me right to her. I would have never found her otherwise.”


🐶 “I’ve now been using Tractive for just under 2 years. I use my tracker multiples times every day. The tracker has literally saved my dog’s life on a couple of occasions when she has become firmly stuck well away from any recognizable path. Tractive Dog is a brilliant product… no hesitation in awarding Tractive 5 stars!

dog and man walking side by side outside, off leash with tractive gps

🐶 It has actually saved our Border Collie’s life twice, when he decided to go off on an adventure to the neighbours farm. Our dog, Molson, also goes on group pack hikes with a dog hiker. Having Tractive gives us peace of mind if he were to get spooked and take off.”


🐶 “We live next to a forest reservation and walk both our dogs off leash. One of them, Marley, tends to wander away and get lost. Having the Tractive GPS tracker on her collar has practically saved her life. Very accurate, great reception even in the woods. Can’t thank Tractive enough for creating such a reliable product.”


🐶 This tracker saved our own dog and my grand-dog. Our dog is a senior dog who wandered away from home. Someone was kind enough to pick her up and take her to their home. Within minutes, we were able to knock on their front door and find our beloved pet. We lost our grand dog in a storm that came up. She ran for the high hills. It took us to the field where she was lost and she was to extremely happy to be found. Best investment for my pets EVER.”

packaging of the Tractive GPS DOG tracker

Always know where your dog is

Follow every step in real-time with unlimited range. Get alerts if they wander too far. Keep them happy & healthy with Wellness Monitoring. And let others – like walkers or sitters – keep an eye on your dog too.

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So there you have it, 10 reasons why you should get your dog a GPS tracker! For more tips on dog tracking from a dog mama and experienced GPS dog tracker user, check out the video below.

And if you’ve liked this post, share it with a friend or a loved one – and let’s help build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.