You’ve seen it making the rounds on Amazon or the tech gurus reviewing it’s compatibility with Google’s Find My Device network. And you know, you wouldn’t be the first pet parent to wonder if you could strap a Chipolo tracker to your dog or cat’s collar – and keep tabs on their location throughout the day.

But by their own admission, Chipolo trackers aren’t built for all pets. (And we’d say any pets at all.) In fact, here’s what they’ve officially shared on their own website:

The Chipolo tracker attached to a pair of keys

We would recommend using (the tracker) to find and track in-house pets like house-trained cats and smaller dogs…

but would not recommend its use on larger dog breeds and outdoor cats.1

But hey – what’s stopping your indoor dog or cat from sneaking out and getting lost anyway?

Besides, with dedicated pet trackers on the block – including some that use both Bluetooth and GPS – you’re better off using the Chipolo tracker for your wallet, keys, or bike.

Here’s why a tracker that’s actually built for pets – and loved by pet parents around the world – is an investment that’s built for your peace of mind.

Where a Chipolo tracker would work – and where it might not

If you’re in the habit of scrambling around for your keys on a busy morning or doing the Macarena trying to fish out your wallet, a Chipolo tracker would actually be a great option for you.

TrackingThese trackers are built on Bluetooth 4.0, meaning they connect to your phone’s built-in capabilities via the Chipolo app. (Available on both Android and iOS devices.)
DesignThey’re lightweight in design, about the size of a coin – so easy to attach to a keychain or backpack strap.
Water resistanceThe Chipolo ONE and Chipolo CARD models are IPX5 water-resistant.

However, the CHIPOLO Classic and older models are not waterproof.
Battery Chipolo trackers also come with 1-2-year replaceable batteries.
PricingThey’re also generally on the affordable side, priced at $25-$105, depending on whether you’re buying a one-off product or a pack.
Ongoing costsChipolo trackers also usually don’t include a monthly subscription fee. Just a one-off purchase.

In a nutshell, Chipolo trackers are…

👍 Built for non-moving physical items

So if you’ve, say, attached a Chipolo tracker to your backpack – and then left it at your office or campus – you can use the app to guide you to your tracker (and backpack) as you move closer to its location.

A man connecting his Chipolo tracker via his mobile app
  • Your app picks up on the tracker using Bluetooth signals – and then uses your device to update the tracker’s location.
  • You can then trigger a ringing sound from your tracker to help you locate it audibly.

Image source: Quality Logo Products

But that’s also where you’ll find your tracker…

👎 Generally limited in range

Your Chipolo tracker will generally work best only if you’re within Bluetooth range of your item. In this case, that’s around 200 feet/60 meters.

Aka, a better option for non-moving physical objects that don’t tend to move around by themselves.

⚠️ And not, you know, a living, moving animal that can:

(All of which your indoor pet is 100% capable of as well!)

With a Chipolo tracker attached to your pet’s collar – you’ll have to be monitoring them 24/7. And just for reference:

  • Cats can wander within 5 miles (8 km) away before someone notices they’re missing.2
  • Even small dogs can run off up to a half mile (~1 km) – simply because they’re bored.3 
  • Bigger dogs can cover even longer distances – up to 5 miles/8 km!

🏡 Of course, it’s a different story if your pets don’t tend to sneak past your front door.

But unless you’re confining them indoors all day, that doesn’t say much about how they might react while out on a walk or out in nature or around other dogs, people, and in new places.

(Where even the best-trained dogs – and cats – can fall prey to their own “flight” instinct.)

And if they escape past a certain range, a Bluetooth tracker will be useless for the most part.

bluetooth vs gps tracker comparison infographic limited range
Tractive Trustpilot review

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That said, Chipolo does have a “Community Search” option to widen its range.

But even then, you’ll find yourself…

👎 Limited to a network of devices

Even with 200 feet/60 meters of range, your Chipolo tracker still includes a “Community Search” option.

Meaning, if your tracker is now out of range, it still sends out its Bluetooth signal to other Chipolo users around you.

  • So when one of these Chipolo users passes by your backpack (and tracker), your app will update with the last known location of your tracker.
  • Chipolo trackers are also compatible with Google’s Find My Device network. Meaning any Android user passing by can help you pick up on your tracker’s Bluetooth signal and location.
  • Some Chipolo products are also compatible with Apple’s Find My network, opening up your crowdfinding options to iPhone users as well.

⚠️ But that’s only if a fellow Chipolo, iPhone, or Android user is nearby to pick up on your tracker’s signal. On a run, hike, or camp out in nature with your pets where you’re unlikely to run into another smartphone user – you’ll find yourself wishing you’d gone for a dedicated pet GPS tracker instead.

Tractive Trustpilot review

Hike Stress-Free With Tractive

Read more: Why A Find My Device Network Isn’t Built For Pets

Last, when it comes to pets and safety concerns, you’ll find your Chipolo tracker…

👎 Easy to swallow

Much like the Apple Airtag – which itself has both a well-documented swallow hazard and is also not recommended for use on pets.

Chipolo trackers’ small size and lightweight design make it an excellent choice for dangling off a keychain or bag strap.

A black Chipolo tracker

But on your pet’s collar, you’ll most likely find yourself:

  • Dealing with a hefty vet bill from getting it extracted from your pet’s stomach, if they swallow it. (Since it’s small enough to get dislodged – and swallowed – within seconds.)

    If swallowed, the chemicals from the tracker’s built-in battery pack can be fatally toxic to your pet.
  • Dealing with some angry neighbors whose pets might have bitten off or chewed your pet’s Chipolo tracker.
  • Having to yank out your indoor pet from some nook or cranny of your house, since their Chipolo tracker is small enough to get them stuck somewhere weird.

    (Even worse if it’s a risky hiding spot, like the space between your fridge and the wall.)

Image source: Quality Logo Products

💡Tractive GPS trackers, on the other hand, were actually built for pets. Meaning, they’re actually safe for pets. For example, Tractive CAT MINI trackers come equipped with a breakaway safety collar that’s built for cats of all shapes and sizes. While DOG XL Adventure trackers come with bite-proof, fiberglass-reinforced casing – for the most rough and tumble adventures outdoors.

dog with Tractive DOG XL Adventure Edition on its collar in front of lake and mountains

Get Tractive GPS

What you can expect using a tracker that’s…you know, actually built for pets

Losing your wallet, bag, or keys can be a pain. But not a single one of these items compares to what it’s like coming home to find your dog or cat missing.

So why cut corners when it comes to your pet?

Rather, when you strap a Tractive GPS to their collars instead, you can now…

✅ Track your pet’s every move – as they make their every move

When it comes to a “missing pet” situation – every second counts.

It doesn’t matter how sharp their survival skills are – any runaway dog or lost cat can end up:

  • Injured from a passing car, predators, or people
  • Poisoned from eating something they really shouldn’t
  • Stolen by a pet thief
  • Sick from coming in contact with toxic substances

Meaning in these situations, everything you’ve done to plan ahead for an emergency can make all the difference between finding your pet safe and sound – or potentially never seeing them again.

💡So what can you expect if you’ve got a missing pet that’s lucky enough to have a Tractive GPS strapped to their collars? Just a push of the “LIVE” button – so you can track your pet in real-time and intercept them in no time.

Tractive GPS app feature screenshot LIVE Tracking

⚠️ Bluetooth trackers – including Chipolo – don’t include any real-time tracking functions.

Meaning in an emergency, you’ll have to pray your dog or cat hasn’t wandered too far away – because your Bluetooth tracker will only help you track them to a couple of feet or meters, at best.

That’s why pet GPS trackers come with unlimited range. Meaning, an entire sky full of satellites guiding you to your buddy – every step of the way.

✅ Locate your indoor pet in no time

Now the biggest perk a Chipolo tracker can offer for pets is their ability to track at close range. Meaning, it could be an option for a house-bound, indoor pet that doesn’t much venture outdoors.

But while keeping your pet 100% indoors is great for safety – it just isn’t sustainable over time. Confining them like this is a recipe for:

  • Boredom, especially from the lack of stimulation. (Yes, your pets will eventually tire of YouTube videos or food dispensing puzzles.)
  • Anxiety, which may result in chewed slippers, pee everywhere, endless barking, and scratched carpets.
  • Other neurotic behaviors, including growing more skittish or stressed out.

Which is why it’s always a good idea to ensure your pets are happy and busy indoors – but also have safe, supervised outdoor access. Both dogs and cats benefit tremendously from the exercise, exposure to nature, natural sunlight, and keeping their instincts and senses sharp.

💡Besides, your Tractive GPS doesn’t just work with GPS. It also includes close-range Bluetooth tracking to help you find your pets in areas where GPS isn’t the most helpful – like indoors! (Plus, you can always trigger your Tractive device’s “Sound” function to let out a high-pitched melody – and locate your hiding dog or cat audibly.)

So you can have the best of both worlds – all in one device.

Find Your Pets Indoors

✅ Enjoy a ton of pet- & pet-friendly perks

That you’d miss out on going for a Bluetooth-powered item tracker instead. Since Tractive GPS trackers are actually built for pets – we’ve also built them for your peace of mind as a pet parent.

Because once you’ve got yours set up, you’ve got so much more than just a pet tracker in your hands.

Rather, your Tractive GPS also includes:

Activity Tracking

With its built-in motion detector, your trusty Tractive device logs your pet’s active minutes throughout the day. I.e., how often they were on the move and how much distance and speed they’ve covered.

An outdoor cat exploring a garden with Tractive's Activity monitoring features in the foreground

Which both helps you track them and also figure out:

  • What’s a normal level of activity for your pet
  • If there’s a weird drop in your pet’s activity, which could signal sickness or pain. (Meaning a preventive checkup at the vet – and potentially a ton of saved money!)
  • Where your pet ranks on your community leaderboard – compared to other, similar pets
Tractive Activity Monitoring leaderboard

So you can stay motivated, make some new pet parent friends, and keep your pet healthy – all in one!

Top Your Leaderboard Today!

Danger reports

So you can keep your neighborhood and environment safe – by reporting a “danger” via your Tractive mobile app. Which could include areas with:

  • Poisonous plants, including mushrooms that can be fatally toxic to both dogs and cats
  • Wild animals
  • Animal traps – or other sharp objects
  • Poison bait
  • Or just about anything else you’d rather not have your pets run into while out on walks or in nature

💡Even better, your danger report gets broadcast to fellow pet parents in your area. So you can both keep your pet safe – and do your part as a responsible pet parent.

Family Sharing

Because you might not always be around to mind your pets – but leave them with a pet sitter, a friend, or a loved one. So if you’ve got a Tractive Premium subscription, your family members can:

  • Access your pet’s location – including their Activity Tracking data and even Location History
  • Track your pets in real-time

at no extra cost. (All they’d need to do is create a free Tractive GPS account.)

You can share your pet’s tracker details with your family members – and then decide how long you’d like to share access for. Whether that’s a day, a week – or just about forever.

Family Sharing on the Tractive mobile app

Lisa van Roon and Charlie the Basenji

Tractive’s Family Sharing feature is super helpful. (Along with LIVE tracking), both let me monitor how Charlie’s doing even if I’m not around.

Plus, with the Family Sharing, my parents can use the app as well. So if I’m not around and Charlie goes missing, they can check where he’s run off to.

Once I see my parents and Charlie are back home safe, I have my peace of mind because the tracker helps me see his location even if I’m not there.

– Lisa van Roon & her dog, Charlie the Basenji

Read more: Lisa & Charlie the Basenji: Adventuring With Tractive

Get Family Sharing

Wait a second…what’s this about a subscription?

Yup, it’s true – your Tractive GPS includes a monthly fee. (Priced lower than your monthly Netflix subscription – or a bag of dog food.) Why? Because:

  • Your Tractive device comes with a built-in SIM card that connects to mobile networks around the world.
  • Meaning, if you’re on a Premium subscription, you can track your pets in real-time even while on vacation. (Or 175 countries, to be precise.)

⚠️ And what do:

That’s right, none of these can track in real-time. Which, in an emergency – like if you’ve lost your pet while traveling – can make all the difference between a ruined trip or one you can go to with 100% peace of mind.

Wrapping up: How Chipolo might compare to an actual pet tracker

Here’s the TLDR version for you in case you’re strapped for time.

A Chipolo tracker is hands-down the better choice for tracking down a missing personal object – like your bag or a pair of keys. Their close-range tracking, lightweight design, and affordable pricing make for easy item tracking on a budget.

But if the “object” in question is a living, moving animalyou’re better off using a tracker that’s actually built for pets instead. Specifically, one that comes with real-time tracking, worldwide coverage, and a ton of perks meant for your peace of mind as a pet parent.

(None of which you’ll find with Bluetooth trackers in general.)

Chipolo Bluetooth Tracker
Tractive Dog 6
Tractive GPS
Built forTracking items: keys, bags, etc.Tracking runaway dogs & cats
Price$25-$105 depending on the model$49.99-$99.99 + subscription fees
Subscription PlanNot included$5-$13 a month – aka, lower than your monthly Netflix subscription
Range200 feet/60 metersUnlimited
Battery1-2 year battery life, replaceableUp to 7-30 days battery life, rechargable
Water DurabilityWater-resistant100% Waterproof (IPX7-standard)
Location History
Last Known Coordinates
LIVE Tracking
Virtual Fence / Safe Zone
Activity Tracking
Sleep Tracking
Health Alerts
Wifi / Home Power Saving Zone
Shock Resistant & Adventure-proof

Light & Sound
Sound only
Tractive pet monitoring GPS tracker

Always know where your pets are

Follow every step in real-time with unlimited range. Get alerts if they wander too far. Keep them happy & healthy with Wellness Monitoring. And let others – like walkers or sitters – keep an eye on your pet too.

Discover Tractive GPS

Got under 5 minutes but still curious about the Tractive GPS? Here’s a video from the Pocket Puppy School covering everything you need to know about our GPS tracker – in just two minutes:

And if you’ve liked this post, share it with a fellow tech-savvy pet parent – and let’s help build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.