Tech-savvy pet parent? You might’ve heard news of the upcoming Google AirTag alternative – and how it’s built for finding missing items like your keys, bike, or even a bag of luggage. But what about pets? You might’ve come across other dog or cat parents discussing how AirTags aren’t the best options – and why they’re going for a dedicated pet GPS tracker instead.

Well, here’s our take, as pros in the pet tracking industry: the new Google tracker tag might not be the best choice for tracking your pets and keeping them safe. When it comes to ensuring their safety, you’re always best off with a dedicated pet GPS tracker. One that’s built for pets, pet parents, and for your peace of mind.


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How the upcoming Google “AirTag” might work

Much like other Bluetooth trackers like Tile, AirTags, and Samsung SmartTags, the Google smart tag is in development to work across a distributed tracking network. Say you’ve attached a Google tracker tag to your keys – and then you drop them somewhere, out of sight.

  • When a fellow Android user passes by your fallen keys, your Google tracking app will pick up its last known location via Bluetooth.
  • It’ll then notify you of a rough location where your keys might be, so you can go and pick them up.
  • Once you’re close enough, you can trigger a beep or a tone from your device to locate your keys by sound.
  • Besides this, the Google smart tag – via the Find My Device Network – can notify other Android users in the vicinity that you’ve lost an item. So they can keep an eye out for it as well.
  • But since this smart tag works with Bluetooth, it will most likely operate at a range of around 30-400 feet (9-120 meters).

⚠️ On average, most lost pets wander anywhere between 2-5 miles1 before they’re reported missing.2 Just to give you a heads up on why a GPS tracker with unlimited range is such a lifesaver.

Is the Google smart tag going to be a GPS tracker?

Nope. The upcoming Google “AirTag” is planned to be built on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). (Along with some ultra wideband, or UWB, technology thrown in for good measure.) 

Which, like we cover a bit further below, might be better for personal items. Aka, if you’re thinking of attaching it to an item like your backpack, bike, or keys. But not the best choice if you’re considering using it for your pet. (Hint: pet thieves who might pick up on your lost pet from the Find My Device Network.)

bluetooth vs gps tracker comparison infographic limited range

Will the Google smart tag track in real-time?

It might – but we’re not 100% sure. And if so, only under 700 feet (or 200 meters) – pretty standard for UWB devices. And even then, UWB technology works best only over super short distances. (Usually between 3-164 feet/1-50 meters.) So a decent option for locating objects within a limited range.

⚠️ AirTags likewise use a combination of Bluetooth and UWB for tracking. And nope, they can’t track in real-time either. Which is why the upcoming Google tracker tag might not be the best option if the “object” you’re searching for is a missing, constantly moving pet.

Tracking your pet in real-time over an unlimited range can make all the difference when it comes to finding them safe. Like, for example, if they’re stolen by pet thieves – or have run off into the woods or wilderness.

Take the story of Kathy the Beagle, who was hard at work at her hunting dog training – with her dad nearby, tracking her position in real-time with Tractive’s LIVE Mode.

  • Suddenly, he noticed her speed sharply picking up – indicating she’d been dognapped and was now in a car, being driven away by pet thieves.
  • Tracking her position with LIVE Mode, he immediately called the police – and after a two-hour car chase, she was back in his arms, safe and sound.

Track Your Pet In Real-Time

The potential pros & perks of a Google AirTag alternative

Now we don’t mean to downplay the perks of Bluetooth-powered trackers either. They do come with their pros – and the Google AirTag alternative might just include these:

  • Lightweight design. Making it easy to attach to a keychain, bag strap, or other easy to lose personal items.
  • Good battery life. Bluetooth trackers in general tend to sacrifice range and real-time tracking capabilities in favor of low-energy device compatibility. The new Google smart tag is rumored to include a battery life that can last for months up to a year.
Bluetooth tracker key finder
  • Accurate tracking. The new tracker is likely to include UWB functionalities that can help it track stationary objects at very close distances. So again, sacrificing range for pinpoint accuracy.
  • Device compatibility. The new Google AirTag alternative is expected to integrate with the Google ecosystem, including the Google Find My Device network.
  • Water resistance. Most Bluetooth devices come with some degree of water resistance and can be submerged up to a point. (And for a limited duration.) Besides, the new Google AirTag alternative is also rumored to be dust-resistant to better withstand the outdoors.

Why the Google tracker tag might not be the best choice for pets

A Bluetooth-powered Google smart tag is a great choice for locating your missing keys on a busy morning. For your pets? Not so much. And here are a couple of reasons why.

  • You’re stuck to a network of devices
    Your smart tag might only notify you of your missing item’s last known location if another Android user passes by. Now imagine losing your dog or cat when out running or hiking in the woods or in a remote, low-signal area? (Where you’re less likely to run into another Android user.)
  • You’re limited to a range the size of a neighborhood block
    Cats can wander as far as 2-4 miles (3-6 km) away before someone notices them missing. Likewise, dogs might run off anywhere up to a half mile (~1 km) to 5 miles/8 km. To far for a Bluetooth tracker to follow.
  • A “dangly” tracker might not be safe for pets
    Similar trackers like the Apple AirTag have a well-documented swallow hazard and may damage your pet’s organs if chewed or swallowed.

Which is why it’s always a better idea to use safety clips to secure a tracker to your pet’s collar, a breakaway safety collar that adjusts to your pet’s movements (and weight), or even a soft pouch you can fit your tracker into and attach to your pet’s collar.

A cat wearing a Tractive GPS collar sitting outdoors

How a dedicated pet GPS tracker means 100% peace of mind

GPS trackers are a giant in the pet tracking industry. With all the reasons why dogs run away or cats wander away from home, a dedicated pet tracker like Tractive can help you ensure their safety…

Wherever your pets roam – and in real-time

Easily our biggest perk, your Tractive GPS enables you to track your pets in real-time – and over an unlimited range. All you need is a device with cell coverage. (So that your pet’s tracker picks up GPS signals from satellites around the world to help you track them in real-time.)

Tractive GPS Cat Tracker on a grey cat and LIVE Tracking screen in Tractive GPS cat tracking app

⚠️ On the other hand, most Bluetooth trackers come with highly limited range and aren’t able to track in real-time. The upcoming Google AirTag alternative’s UWB tech only means real-time tracking if your pet doesn’t tend to stray past your bedroom door.

Discover Tractive GPS

Track your pets even while on vacation

With its built-in SIM card, your Tractive device connects to mobile networks across 175 countries. Which means GPS satellites around the world end up helping you keep an eye on your pet – no matter where you are (or where they are.)

Which, yes, also means a monthly fee for your subscription. (That’s priced lower than your monthly Netflix account.) It also means not risking losing your pet while traveling.

Monitor your pets’ movements – indoors & outdoors

Your Tractive GPS actually includes Bluetooth features like Radar Mode and even Augmented Reality to help you track your pet at close range. (Like if they’re indoors or in areas with poor cell coverage.)

And if they try to escape outdoors, you can always set up a Virtual Fenceor a “safe zone” which alerts you immediately when your dog or cat is trying to sneak past it.

cat wearing tractive gps cat tracker, app screen tractive virtual fences

Set Up A Virtual Fence

Track your pet on the brightest days & darkest nights

Fan of evening runs or jogs? With Tractive’s Light feature, you can easily locate your pet by triggering a small LED light on their tracker. Helping you find them visually. (Especially useful for dark-furred pets – or the winter months when everything’s pitch black by 4 pm.)

Or if you’re out together on a sunny day, you can also locate your pet by sound instead. Tractive’s Sound feature triggers a high-pitched melody that can help you locate your pet audibly.

A dog wearing a Tractive GPS tracker with an LED light

The upcoming Google smart tag vs a pet GPS tracker

Here’s a super quick distinction between the upcoming Google “AirTag” and a dedicated pet tracker like the Tractive GPS.

Google AirTag alternativeTractive GPS
Powered byBluetooth, UWBGPS, Wifi, Mobile networks
RangeLikely 700 feet/200 metersUnlimited
CostUnknown$49-$69 + a monthly fee lower than your Netflix subscription
Water durabilityWater resistant100% Waterproof (IPX7-standard)
Device compatibilityAndroidAndroid, Samsung, iOS
Last known coordinatesLikelygreen check mark
Real-time trackingLimited to 164 feet (50 m)green check mark
Worldwide coveragered xgreen check mark
Escape alertsred xgreen check mark
Health alertsred xgreen check mark
Activity trackingred xgreen check mark
Sleep trackingred xgreen check mark
Virtual fencered xgreen check mark
Location Historyred xgreen check mark

So while it might seem like the new shiny object on the market – the upcoming Google tracker tag likely isn’t the best choice for tracking down your missing dog or cat. Its limited range, risky crowdfinding, and lack of real-time tracking don’t make it ideal for living, moving pets who might cover

💡Rather, a dedicated pet GPS tracker means 100% peace of mind for you as a pet parent. And even more so, if you invest in one that’s saved the lives of pets around the world.

Tractive GPS cat and dog trackers packaging photo

Keep your pets healthy & safe

Get real-time location information, wherever they go. See how much – or how little – activity they’re getting. And get Health Alerts if something might be wrong.

Get Tractive

Curious how the Tractive GPS works? Here’s a video from the Pocket Puppy School covering everything you need to know about our GPS tracker – in just two minutes:

Know a fellow tech-savvy dog or cat parent? Share this post with them – and let’s help build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.