Here’s a common question you’ll come across as a dog parent wanting to stay on top of your buddy’s safety: what’s a dog chip tracker?

And the second most common one: is a microchip the same as a GPS tracker for dogs?

Short answer: no. While both microchips and GPS trackers can keep your dog safe if they escape home or get lost outdoors, they’re both fundamentally different products. And with all the reasons dogs run away, it’s always better to stay informed.

  • Because ultimately, a microchip can only help someone identify your lost dog.
  • A GPS tracker is your key to tracking down and finding your dog by yourself.
  • Also a dog chip tracker in the sense of a GPS implant for dogs doesn’t exist on the market yet – and it wouldn’t be a great idea anyway.

So in this post, we’re going to cover the main differences between microchips and GPS trackers – and why the term “dog chip tracker” isn’t really a thing. (Not yet, anyway.) Let’s get started.

Myth: You can “track” your dog with a microchip

Like any loving dog parent, your first priority is likely keeping your dog safe. So you might’ve heard about microchips as well as GPS dog trackers and wondered: is it possible to combine these two into one? That’d make the perfect dog chip tracker, right?

Well, as the leading expert in wearable pet technology, we definitely agree that this would be the ideal pet safety solution.

But let’s clarify things right off the bat:

Right now, a “dog chip tracker” – combining both a microchip + GPS – doesn’t exist.

Dog tracking device - why a microchip is not enough

Or not yet, anyway. How come?

  • Well firstly, it’s not possible to implant a GPS tracker under the skin of a dog.
  • Second, current microchips for dogs do not offer GPS tracking.

Making these two – i.e., microchips and GPS trackers – fundamentally different products.

Fact: Microchips help someone identify your dog. No more.

The microchip for dogs is a radio-frequency identification (RFID) implant¹. As this name suggests, the chip is used for identification purposes only.

Each microchip includes a tiny, electronic chip, each of which carries a unique identification number.

  • Enclosed in a glass cylinder, about 11-14 mm long and 2-2.3 mm thick, the chip is about the size of a grain of rice.
  • Microchips weigh roughly 0.025 grams.
microchip for dogs

So if your dog gets lost and a kind stranger brings them to a vet or a shelter:

  • The vet or shelter staff can scan your buddy for a microchip,
  • Find its unique ID number – which includes your contact details,
  • and then get in touch with you.
A vet checking a dog for a microchip

⚠️ Importantly, microchips don’t include any GPS tracking functionalities.

Plus, if you implanted a GPS tracker into your dog’s skin…

Ivelin Nenkov, Embedded Systems Engineer at Tractive

A battery pack is built from very poisonous chemicals. A little puncture can lead to a leakage, fire or explosion.

That’s why implanting a battery pack under the skin of your dog or cat can be very dangerous. So we wouldn’t recommend it.

– Ivelin Nenkov, Embedded Systems Engineer at Tractive since 2016

Read more: GPS Implant For Dogs: Myth Or Fact?

Microchips only work in cases where:

  • A lost dog ends up getting scanned for a microchip,
  • This chip ID is linked to the owner’s contact information and registered in a microchip database (So make sure you keep your microchip contact details up to date.)

Micro-chipping has become a common practice and is now legally required in many countries. The advantage of the microchip is that it’s a permanent and safe solution for identifying your dog.

Read more: The Pet Lover’s Guide to Dog Microchipping

How much would a microchip for dogs cost?

Microchipping your dog can cost anywhere from $0-$70, depending on where you live and where you have the procedure done. It’s possible your own vet or a local animal shelter might offer this service at an affordable rate.

In fact, some organizations like Blue Cross in the U.K. offer the service for free, since dog microchipping is mandatory there.

A vet preparing to inject a dog at a clinic

⚠️ Just remember: the common microchip for dogs does not contain GPS technology.

Which means you won’t be able to track your dog with it.

I.e., don’t expect your microchip to be a dog chip tracker, like a GPS tracker. Rather, it’s a “dog identifier chip.”

If your dog tends to wander off, get lost, or run away a bit too often – you’re best off taking an active role in finding them. Aka, with a GPS tracker that helps you track them in real-time.

gps tracker app close up
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How can a microchip help if my dog gets lost?

Now there’s a reason why microchips are a legal requirement in many parts of the world. In fact, they can be tremendously helpful in a “lost dog” situation.

Because once your dog has one, a microchip ensures:

  • That your buddy isn’t mistaken for a stray – and sent off to the pound,
  • That you can claim to be the rightful owner of your dog – and prevent your buddy from being rehomed.
A man reunited with his dog at a shelter

But can a microchip actually…find my dog?

Unfortunately, when it comes to actually finding your dog – a microchip limits you to the goodwill of strangers around you.

Meaning, a kind stranger has to actually:

  • Approach your lost dog – who might be a mess of panic, nerves, and adrenaline,
  • Check them for an ID tag (which hopefully indicates that your dog is microchipped – or includes your contact details)
  • Contact you – or get your dog to a vet or a shelter where…
  • …someone has to scan your dog for a microchip…
  • …where, hopefully if you’ve kept your contact details updated, the staff can get in touch with you to let you know they’ve found your dog.
A dog ID tag indicating its microchip details

Which, if you ask us, is a lot of “Ifs” – especially when your dog’s safety is concerned.

⚠️ Because just imagine if your lost dog is picked up by a pet thief instead?

If your dog is a rare breed or hasn’t been spayed or neutered yet, a pet thief is unlikely to return them to you safe and sound. (Or without demanding an exorbitant finder’s fee.)

Read more: Dognapping: Pet Kidnapping And How To Keep Your Dog Safe From Dog Thieves

A pet thief stealing a dog

Because of this, a microchip alone might not be best during an emergency.

Where a GPS tracker can be a lifesaver instead

Take the story of Kathy, the Beagle who was hard at work at her training – with her dad tracking her position in real-time through her Tractive GPS.

Suddenly, he noticed she was traveling at high speeds and way off-course!

From her movements, he immediately realized she’d been picked up dog thieves and the kidnappers were driving off with her in their car.

Tracking her with Tractive’s LIVE Mode, her dad called the police and after a two-hour car chase had her back in his arms, safe and sound.

Tractive GPS app feature screenshot LIVE Tracking

Not all dogs are this lucky. So while it’s a good idea to get your dog microchipped, it’s a great idea to combine a microchip with a GPS tracker.

Helping you stay on top of your dog’s safety from all sides.

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How can a GPS tracker for dogs help instead?

Unlike a microchip, a GPS tracker allows you to track your dog in real-time, so you can find your dog immediately, should they ever go missing.

How does it work?

A GPS tracker contains a GPS antenna and other important hardware that connect to local satellites. This enables the the device to locate itself anywhere in the world.

  • It then sends the calculated location coordinates from the tracker to the Tractive servers.
  • Then, from the Tractive servers, these coordinates transfer to the Tractive GPS app on your smartphone with the help of the local mobile network – just like sending an SMS.
A man and woman hugging a dog wearing a Tractive GPS

🌎 For this reason, GPS trackers work over any range, in over 150 countries worldwide.

Meaning, you can track your dog’s whereabouts – even if you’re on vacation.

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What else do I get with a Tractive GPS?

The Tractive GPS Dog Tracker is one of the most popular and best-selling GPS trackers for dogs around the world. With its LIVE Tracking features, you can view your dog’s location, track, and retrieve them anytime they’re wearing the GPS tracker.

Just attach the tracker to your dog’s collar or harness using the included mounting clips.

white and black dog wearing GPS tracker outdoors

💡 And then, besides real-time GPS tracking, you also get:

  • Escape alerts via a Virtual Fence – or “safe zone” – you can set up around your home and backyard
  • Wellness Monitoring – keep track of your dog’s activity and sleep stats
  • Location History & Heatmap – see where your dog has been & where they spent the most time
  • Light & Sound – activate the LED light or buzzer to help you find your dog in the dark
  • Worldwide tracking & unlimited range – for the price of a cup of coffee per month
  • 100% Waterproof build
  • Family & Public Sharing – let trusted friends and family track your dog
  • Radar Mode – find your dog even at close range or indoors
  • Power Saving Zone – connect your home’s Wifi so the battery lasts even longer
  • Alexa compatible
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A Tractive GPS device could even save your dog’s life

Dog parents around the world are taking advantage of the latest GPS tracking technology to keep their dogs safe.

But if you thought just LIVE tracking works during emergencies, think again. Tractive’s Heat Map and Location History helped rescue Imogen the Borzoi when she crashed through the ice of a nearby lake.

Here she is pictured below, safe and sound, next to her Tractive device.

Imogen the Borzoi rescued from a frozen lake by her Tractive GPS

Imogen’s mom immediately noticed she was outside her “safe zone” – and likely in danger.

Even though Imogen was in the water, her Tractive GPS helped signal her location.

So her mom could identify where she was, rally some helpful neighbors, and rescue Imogen from freezing and drowning.

Read more: Imogen The Dog Saved From Frozen Lake Thanks To GPS Tracker

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Microchip vs GPS trackers: Where they differ

At the end of the day, both microchips and GPS trackers were built for one purpose: keeping your dog safe in case they get lost.

But in terms of what they’re built for and how they work, these two couldn’t be more different.

So here’s a quick summary of the differences between microchips for dogs and dog GPS trackers:


microchip for dogs
Microchip for dogs

Tractive GPS Dog Tracker 4
Tractive GPS Tracker
Size12 x 2 mm72 x 29 x 16 mm
Weight0,025 g35 g
ImplantableSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
WaterproofSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
Battery lifeNo battery included7-10 days – or 30 days on the Adventure edition
Upfront cost ~85 €49,99 €
Ongoing costsNoneYes – meaning a monthly fee less than your Netflix subscription
Location trackingSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
Are you going to have to rely on strangers?YesNo
Real-time location updatesSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
Legal requirementVaries from country to countryNo
Theft insuranceSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeNo**
Area of operationWorldwideWorldwide
Escape alertSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
Activity trackingSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
Sleep trackingSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
Health alertsSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
Light & Sound trackingSymbol für Nachteile in Pro-und-Kontra-ListeSymbol für Vorteile in Pro-und-Kontra-Liste
Dog weight requirementsNoneFrom 4 kg/~9 lbs onward

#1: Function

Despite common belief, GPS trackers and microchips serve two completely different functions:

  • A microchip allows dogs who have been taken to a vet to be identified according to their microchip ID number.
  • A GPS tracker allows you to actively locate your dog in real-time.

#2 Hardware

To provide the above described functions, GPS trackers and microchips rely on different hardware components, each used for unique purposes:

  • A microchip only has the simple function of providing an ID number that can be linked to your dog. It’s therefore composed of only a tiny, electronic chip enclosed in a glass cylinder.
  • GPS trackers offer all different kinds of features to help you locate your dog. The necessary components of a GPS tracker include a GSM module, GPS antenna, LED light, loudspeaker, battery pack, and SIM card.
dog tracking device microchip versus gps tracker

#3: Size

As a result of the above mentioned functions & hardware components of each device, the size of microchips and GPS trackers varies greatly:

  • Containing only an electronic chip that can be read by a RFID scanner, microchips are about the size of a grain of rice.
  • In contrast, GPS trackers must be big enough to include the above-mentioned hardware. As a result they have dimensions of about 72 x 29 x 16 mm and weigh 30 grams.
dog gps tracker chip differences illustration

Considering all this, GPS technology does not exist in microchip form at this time.

Dog microchips, GPS trackers…what do I need to keep my dog safe?

Losing your dog can be a heartwrenching, terrifying experience. But the good news is, you can take an active role in keeping your buddy safe – no matter where they end up wandering off to.

Here are the main differences between microchips and GPS trackers:

Infographic for Microchip vs GPS tracker

Plus, unfortunately, a “dog chip tracker” combining both ID and GPS tracking doesn’t exist on the market yet.

Which is why, if your dog tends to wander off or get lost a bit often, you’re best off with:

  • An ID collar tag where your name and contact details are clearly visible.
  • A microchip implant to help identify your dog in case they get lost.
  • A GPS dog tracker, so you can track your dog in real-time, anytime they leave your sight.
A man hugging his dog who's wearing a Tractive GPS collar
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packaging of the Tractive GPS DOG tracker

Always know where your dog is

Follow every step in real-time with unlimited range. Get alerts if they wander too far. Keep them happy & healthy with Wellness Monitoring. And let others – like walkers or sitters – keep an eye on your dog too.

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For a super quick distinction between the two, here’s a video that covers the differences between microchips and GPS trackers:

And if you’ve found this post useful, share it with a friend or a loved one – and let’s help build a safer, kinder world for our furry friends together.